The South Amherst historic common, aka Fiddlers Green, will also turn red white and blue tomorrow morning
The 140+ year old South Amherst Community 4th of July Picnic is the perfect blend of a family oriented patriotic event that would have moved Norman Rockwell to get out his brushes.

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Because children are the bedrock of any community. And in this digital age of electronic gadgets, it's especially nice to see a wholesome event that brings people together in the great outdoors.
July 4th weather will also be perfect!
UMass destroyed the 4th of July for me.
The Aholes involved know what they did, may they burn in Hell for all eternity.
Pleeeeeze tell! Pleeeeze!
Love the south amherst 4th celebration and Jeannie Espisito!!!
Is Ed real??? 'Cause, wow! He's got an ax to grind on every occasion and for every possible issue. Seems impossible that one person could have that many grievances against one little corner of the universe.
Can we all just please ignore Ed? Pretend that his comments don't exist. Everyone who engages with Ed is an enabler.
I enjoy enabling eddie! Life has few pleasures. If we ignored him he might blow up and go postal!
No, I have grounds to be upset -- although were I going to "go postal", it would have happened long, long ago.
Instead, I anticipate schadenfreude.
Grow up Ed. What a little spoiled baby you are. Life sucks, deal with it!
And Larry, you would have.
I know you too well, notwithstanding your Karate discipline, you'd have killed people.
The late Mother Teresa inevitably would have, as would 99.9% of the population.
I chose not to. It was the right choice for me.
Anon Coward: Care to post your name, address, employer & phone number?
No, I didn't think so.
And life does not suck -- UMASS SUCKS and I want the whole world to know it.
So, Ed, you are more in control that 99.9% of the population? Including Mother Theresa and Larry? You've got one hell of a complex.
Well if you're going to burn in hell, it usually is for all eternity.
Duly noted.
0r there are an awful lot of incompetent people at UMass. Take your pick.
I know Larry, he'd at least have said something if not done it -- the recent comment about his willingness to employ violence to defend his drone and his comment 20 years
ago about going after UMass "with a flamethrower" to recover some money being but two examples.
Larry, you wouldn't have graduated from that purgatorial cesspool in the environment I did, no more than I would ever be rated anything in Karate, we are different people.
Well if you're going to burn in hell, it usually is for all eternity.
It depends on your theology.
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