Helen Berg
Amherst police arrested Helen Berg over the weekend for Domestic Assault & Battery and A&B with a dangerous weapon (shod foot) after she allegedly kicked a drink out of the victim's hand and then kicked him in the head.
Click to enlarge/read. Her case was continued to July 15th
The alleged victim did not wish to press charges or take out a 209A restraining order, but since he called 911/Dispatch, which is a recorded line, to request police assistance during the assault the Commonwealth can proceed on their own with a criminal complaint.
Ms. Berg was a candidate for Select Board in 2014 when two seats were open but came in a distant third. She threatened a lawsuit against the town for not placing her name (higher) on the ballot alphabetically, but it was later confirmed the town was granted state legislature approval to use the random drawing -names-out-of-a-hat method.
A few months ago Ms. Berg handed in nomination papers to again run for Select Board but the Town Clerk disqualified 16 signatures so she fell two short of the 50 required to get on the ballot.
Helen Berg is currently an Amherst Town Meeting member representing Precinct 1. Her term expires in 2019, although Town Meeting may be terminated by then should the Amherst Charter Commission propose and the voters approve a new form of local government.
Typical liberal feminist. Angry at the world and takes it out on men.
Arent domestics supposed to be kept out of the press?
Sort of.
But I can report what I see at Eastern Hampshire District Court, where the people's business plays out,
It was only a matter of time.
She's an absolute nut case. Sometimes I wonder how things happen in Amherst, then I remember there's people liker her running around.
and this is news worthy why? perhaps the woman suffers from mental illness and her business is not ours....if this is so news worthy...why didn't you follow-up on the select board member who was arrested?
"Shod foot." "Kicked a drink out of his hand." "Kicked in the head."
Details, pray tell? Was this a roommate, domestic partner, was this just some poor guy sitting on the doorstep at Bulkeley Richardson/Subway? Sounds like a wild scene!
Wow by the sound of it, kicking a drink from someone's hand then kicking them in the head, did Berg attend Larry's karate school per chance.
No, but karate can be very therapeutic for dealing with those anger issues.
Chuck Norris' cousin? Impressive! Of course at what looks to be around 90lbs she's not doing much damage, but impressive still. Shouldn't our government and public participants be held to a higher or even GENERAL standard? Aka don't get arrested, most of us have NEVER been arrested, not a difficult standard to meet.
Shame on you, Larry, for posting this kind of comment: "Typical liberal feminist. Angry at the world and takes it out on men."
Your comment section has become a cesspool of right wing masculinity. Sad.
According to the internet, Bruce Lee was only 5'7" and 135-140 pounds in his prime
Berg could still do some damage if using proper form
If you have ever been strategically punched in the nose by a small child you know what I am talking about lol
I hope she was wearing those sweet football cleats like she did that day to the select board meeting. Looking like she was playing O line for the 1986 Giants.
This woman has mental health issues to the max yet she is given free reign to waste the select board's time. Mental health is the huge elephant in the room but we want to point fingers at everything else but the root cause. This woman needs help and hopefully the court will mandate it. Not holding my breath
Larry, reporting, maybe, using your court-issued privileges to photograph a document not allowed out of the courthouse -- no.
I would like to see a steel cage match between berg and the Gatti kid!...oh...and shut up ed you know it all....
What is she, then?
Looks like you have some anti-blog audiences lately! And I'm loving it! Funny to see those comments. If you can't document boorish behavior, it lessens the motivation to clean it up! Keep up the good work!
She is ten million times more nuts than you can imagine.
Helen Berg seems to enjoy striking people in the head, in fact knocked me out of my chair with one sucker-punch to the head - drawing blood in the process, for not paying attention. I'm not the person she assaulted re; her arrest, apparently I'm in her list of head-trauma victims.
Helen Berg is also a mega-stalker and the most prolific goddamn liar on the planet. She will mega-stalk you, call the IRS, FBI, and anyone else with a telephone to report you for existing. She is flippin' nutso beyond your imagination.
Give her your name, and she will be reporting you for meth labs, nefarious schemes, anything she can think of. Then she will go after your neighbor, their cat, and their cat's vet. No joke.
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