The Amherst Redevelopment Authority, lead agency in the ambitious Gateway reconstruction project connecting downtown Amherst to UMass, unanimously (5-0) choose ACP associates to lead the charge and orchestrate the "public visioning process"--a massive outreach to everyone concerned about the future of Amherst and our flagship institution of higher education.
ACP has extensive experience with the unique process of acquiring and curating public input to bring about consensus, especially difficult in Amherst ("where only the H is silent"); they have also successfully consulted on the arduous multi-year process for adoption of a new Amherst "Master Plan," the first major planning revision in 40 years.
They emphasized to the ARA how a major project like Gateway needs to be visionary, grounded in reality, supported by the community and--perhaps most important--implementable.
American College of Physicians?
Associated Collegiate Press?
American Communities Partnership.
Hey Cubby,
It's UMass, not Umass.
Grounded in Reality - in Amherst?
Ha, fat chance.
looks like a good choice, though I would hate to see the travel expenses
The bid specs said no more than $30-K for the entire project so I"m sure they considered that, plus they also put in for the Atkins Corner/North Amherst rezoning gig as well.
Bach! Bach! You don't live here anymore. Time to let go. Time to move on. Time to get a life that's not Larry's reflected light.
yes but 3 of my public art pieces live there...and a number of friends and loyal patrons. so I trserve the right to post here. at least I have the balls to sign
Bach, You once got a commission from a woman who had been nearly killed in a car crash. The piece you made was in honor of her husband, who was killed. She chose to forgive the drunk teen who had killed him, even spoke against giving the kid jail time so as not to ruin his life. (I think she also chose not to ruin her own by bitterness.) I hope you can move on.
I don't see the relevance to this thread. my situation was not an accident by a misguided teenager. it was brought on by a committee of adults who led me to believe that I would be paid for the work they asked me to do. don't really see a parallel there. I commend the lady for moving on. I see no reason to offer forgiveness in my situation, since the project was dropped without an explanation or apology....and you know the rest of the story. it begs the question why did they drop it and toss me out the window like used bath water. Barry Roberts clearly had a conflict of interest in that he was an abutting stakeholder, and I suspect his relationship with Cinda jones, (monopolization of the sawmill's dust for horse bedding,et al) who we all know was my abutter and uncooperative, industrial polluting neighbor, had something to do with it. let's not forget c brestrup the planner who was partners with the wife of the nemisis who tried flunking me out of grad school, yet fabos stated that I was the best designer in my class. this was an inside job, perhaps innocent at first, but when the wrong players got involved they cost me dearly.
7500 to be exact.
I lost my life and place of livelyhood as a result of inner political corruption, which seems to be a common thread in the town of Amherst.
your comment was certainly in poor taste, which does not surprise me.
you know what will make me shut up? pay me my fuckin money....the woman you speak of did, and for that I hold her with the highest respect.
whatever you say loouie
here's what sux...durfee Sunderland vet mem Bartlett the plastic garden James rose need I go on
I suck so bad they recruited me for Amherst 250 and umass minuteman plaza
I still luv u
click the link
I agree. When they ALL saw his work they said no and he couldn't take it. His 15 min. was up. and thank goodness we didn't waste any money on it.
Time to move on...
I am sorry I didn't have a slick presentation, but the substance was there...that is why the academy gave it full glowing endorsement and the historic commission voted unanimously in favor, with one member stating it was genius.
face it, Roberts wants that parcel for future development so he can get his greasy hands in on it. remember the big meeting where I brought my steel guy in, who was going to hook the town up with materials at below wholesale,
with no charge to the town? when fat fuck shaffer sat across from me and received my hrs to date? Roberts took a call, walked out of the room and missed half the presentation. he is a rude self serving manipulator as far as I can see. he had me meet him later in the process in his noisy crowded coffeshop, where I was forced to lay out my work while infringing on other peoples space. then he said he would get back to me and never did.
fuck that guy and the horse he rode in on.
btw my proposal was to fund the project through funds raised from the five college alumni, so it would not have cost the town a penny. but later they refused to accept that. instead they spent 100k on a parade.
mooooove onnnnn......
'bach (i.c.)
beginning 37 years ago, i built a big house for my dad, with all sorts of custom features in stone and concrete, as well as electrical and mechanical systems that would make the space shuttle look low-tech - it was a labor of love by the loyal son of a demanding, eccentric, genius of a father
this occupied 7 years of my teenaged life and would cost millions of dollars to reproduce today, but it was a great education in so many ways - he lived there off and an for a couple decades, but was forced to sell it when financial troubles hit in 2001
that house was demolished by a new owner, and my dad is now gone too; although the losses of both are very, very painful, that's behind me
but looking forward (while still peeking back with a grin ;-) it might be fun (as a form of guerilla art?) to install a spirit-frame of that house on the lot where it once stood (at least to razz the new owner who razed it)
so if you still have the steel, and the spirit to do the work, let's talk (but not at the this website) - might be good for you, for me, and for everyone else too blind to see you're a great artist
the concept of a Gentle Man.
i am always open to possiblities...
Incipio Comprobo
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