Western Mass Electric Company is engaged in "very aggressive tree trimming" near their power lines according to Amherst Shade Tree Committee Chair Hope Crolius, a continuing reverberation of the freak October 30 snowstorm that knocked out power all over New England.
Look out below! (At least they left two trees standing)

Like UMass or New England Central Railroad, WMECO is exempt from local oversight by any town body, so about all our shade tree committee can do is hope for the best...and hug a lot of trees goodbye.

They are cutting any tree healthy or not that even casts a shadow on a power line. They tagged trees on private property and were going to go ahead ahead and cut them unless the owner happened to be home to stop it. So far they have left many stumps and logs behind, hope they clean that up. Also check the the pile they left to the right of the bike path bridge if headed north on S. East St. 3 or 4 logs parallel to the road on hill just waiting to roll down into the road.
Thanks for reminding me. Just added.
No local control? What happened to Mass General Law Chapter 87?
Did not help the trees at Atkins Corner now did it?
The reason for the Shade Tree Act (MGL Chap 87) is to protect the publics shade trees. From the way I read 87, the local Tree Warden has the right to oppose or approve a plan submitted by the utility. Hopefully some effort is put forth to protect the trees that are of a significant value to a neighborhood.
A Shade Tree Committee who really cares. They are like the Merritt Parkway Committee in CT that like to preserve things. By them preserving things they only make life harder for everyone else. WHO REALLY GIVES TWO SITTS ON THIS ENTIRE MATTER. YES I AM A UMASS STUDENT.
@anon 5:16
Actually, those of us who live here, 30 years in my case, do care. It's about quality of life, not to mention the environmental benefits of trees.
@Anon 11:16:
I'm sure you prefer your power supply not be interrupted by falling trees as well. Sometimes, nature just gets in the way—no matter how pretty it is too look at.
Now if only WMECO would make the move to underground power lines...that would make all of us happy, and remove those eyesore utility poles to boot.
Typical Amherst, Cry when they don't get your power back on fast enough, Cry when they are trying to be proactive in cutting back the trees to prevent future power losses, cry, cry, cry!!! Is there anything that makes you happy?
Yeah, when critics have the guts to identify themselves.
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