The Zoning Board of Appeals voted unanimously late this evening to uphold the August 26 "cease and desist order" issued by the town building inspector to a fraternity abutting UMass, Pi Kappa Phi, at 38 Nutting Avenue because the particular abode was founded as a sorority, Alpha Chi Omega, and occupied by women since 1964.
Suddenly turning it into an all male endeavor, is a "change in use" which should have required a Special Permit from the ZBA. The new fraternity did not apply for such a permit and simply moved in this past August.
One of the main factors presented as evidence differentiating a sorority from a fraternity concerned alcohol: Sororities forbid it while fraternities allow--some would say encourage--it.
In fact, early last Saturday morning (2:37 AM)--as the hellish winter storm drew a bead on our area--a young woman was discovered ETOH (alcohol overdose) at the 38 Nutting Avenue frat by Amherst police and Amherst Fire Department had to transport her to the Cooley Dickinson Hospital, thus tying up an ambulance for an hour.
Hilda Greenbaum seemed to have reservations about upholding the building inspector's order because she "did not like the stereotyping: little girls are better behaved than little boys."
But she was swayed by fellow member Eric Beal, an attorney, who cited the differences in number of health and safety code violations between fraternities and sororities, the allowance of alcohol, and on site management (lacking in fraternities).
The fraternity now has twenty days to appeal the decision of the ZBA in Hampshire Superior Court or they can simply apply to the ZBA for a Special Permit, which is probably cheaper but will require the unanimous vote of all three members for approval. The building commissioner can institute a fine of $100/day to enforce the cease and desist order now that it has been upheld by the ZBA.
I simply think that they should all declare themselves to be "male lesbians", get "F" put on their drivers'/ licenses and claim to be a sorority.
Hey, worked for gay marriage, didn't it????>
Bling! Bling! Bling! That's the sound of the Amherst cash machine as it disgorges a huge cash settlement for gender discrimination. Good going.
Nah, they took the town attorney's advice with their finding.
Amherst doesn't like it so close the fucking University already. Tear down all those unsightly buildings and return it to open space. While we are at it kick Amherst and Hampshire college out too! I'm sure there are students who attend them having parties!
Let's get rid of the cars and electricity in this town also.
I hope UMass allows the fraternity to relocate.... to Frat Row!
Nah, Amherst College has more money than God. We don't want to mess with them.
Hampshire College, on the other hand...
Where on earth did they follow town counsel advice? I heard at the first hearing town counsel saying the bylaws didn't distinguish between fraternities or sororities and they would have to find other means to differentiate. But last night they said the opposite. I don't get how the Board can just pick and choose what it wants to hear.
Also, you are incorrect -- Frats have control structures just the same as Sororities.
This town has no respect for the school that provides it with business -- lord knows they prevent any other business from coming in!
I think its ironic that people get criticized for doing the right thing. If some girl drinks too much during the night and comes over to her friends house for awhile, no one is at fault but the girl that drank too much. Are the guys supposed to administer a breathalyzer before they allow a friend to enter? They decide to make sure she is safe and call professionals to assist her as I believe that is the purpose that they are there for. Its unfortunate that this contributes to the stereotypes of frats.
She was ETOH--passed out drunk.
She did not get that way prior to visiting the Frat.
At the time she was transported to CDH by ambulance, ALL four of our other ambulances were tied up with ETOH calls for college aged individuals.
So if one of my family members had a medical emergency that night, I would have had to wait for Northampton FD to arrive.
And if you think I'm cranky now...
I don't know where you get your facts from (because they're incorrect). I know both the men and the people who responded to the call. She was very much responsive, she came with one of her friends who was visiting a resident and the men are not the type to provide alcohol. You can claim it, but it didn't happen. Also, from a scientific standpoint, alcohol degradation reaches a maximal velocity meaning that even if you drink more, you can't break it down any faster and it just sits in your system causing adverse effects. It is very likely that she drank so much before and was unable to process it once it hit her bloodstream. I think that it would be good to get to know these men before you consider them a typical "frat" and waste your time with fallacies.
Maybe you should get her to testify at the ZBA hearing when the Frat returns for a Special Permit.
My old friend is a member of this fraternity, and though he wasn't there for the ETOH he seemed ashamed of it since they are not that type of frat. I met him for lunch after he spent a few hours cleaning up with other frat guys and he said that they were the only ones volunteering outside the DPW that day. Maybe you all should stop protesting the house and clean up your own streets or allow them a second chance and reap the benefits of their work? Can't have your cake and eat it too, despite what you think.
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