The Amherst Redevelopment Authority will take historical Town Hall in downtown center by Eminent Domain and sell it to private local developer Barry Roberts.
One of the main goals of the ARA is to stimulate the economy and reduce blight. Since not much happens at Town Hall this action falls well within the ARA purview. Although the Amherst Select Board, who meet weekly in Town Hall, also possesses the power of Eminent Domain and is chaired by Stephanie O'Keeffe, daughter of ARA Chair John Coull.
Next Thanksgiving should be interesting in that household...
I say JUST DO IT...
It would make great housing for UM students....
Shit Ed. And you've resisted for so long - UMass etc.
Larry. Now I know why the St Mikes sisters loved you and hated you ... your never ending blarney. Well done.
is that an April fools joke, or is it serious...?
N'est pas Mr. Roberts; c'est Mr. Shumway,
par l'Hotel de Ville!
- Mon ami
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