Funny how public recreation folks all think alike. Ten years ago the now defunct Cherry Hill Golf Advisory Committee wanted to a borrow millions to replace the condemned clubhouse with a Taj Mahal like structure including 5 star restaurant.
Fortunately that was downsized to a $286,000 loan for a Wal Mart quality Clubhouse that still managed to overrun its budget by 30% and a new irrigation system. The Finance Committee promised the improvements would lead to revenues falling from the heavens like manna; and of course Cherry Hill then went into its seven-year tailspin averaging over $100-K losses per year.
Now-a-days capital improvements (that are charged to a separate part of the town budget so it does not show up as an operation cost of the business) are limited to little things like the $15,000 two years ago for a security fence and above ground fuel storage tank.
Not sure if the security fence is to protect from terrorists detonating the storage tank, or just a visual screen so Hilda Greenbaum doesn't complain about the industrial view. But that open space looks big enough to drive a golf cart through...
Thankfully, the town acquired Cherry Hill, which is a marvelous golf course and a wonderful town asset. Everything need upkeep, including the soccer fields, town hall and Groff Park. It's just the copst of having a nice town. Get over it, Larry, and move on.
"Acquired it". Hmmm... I like that.
You forgot the mention the acquisition cost of the landtaking (for emergency purposes no less) of $2.2 million in 1987 dollars.
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