Well I suppose if the town can buy an American flag for the Town Room (where the Select Board meets most of the time) they can spend a few bucks adding this folksy photo of the current Select Board to the main entry of Town Hall.
But did they have to use a permanent plaque to ID the current members, rather than one with slots so you could simply replace just the single name tags?
After all, Mr. Weiss is TOAST in the next election (if he has the ego to actually run.) So not only will they have to reshoot the fancy LARGE color photo but will also have to recommission another bronze plaque (at least the fancy oak frame will still work)
Mean, just plain mean.
Any you come here of your own free will expecting anything less?
Good. You can stay (everybody else, take a hike)
Larry, How come you are on your best behavior when you post on Sanderson and Venman blogs? There is mucho meat for your sarcasm, but you hold back. Are you being a gentleman?
That tired old raised-on-Crow-Hill-by a-low-income-Mother routine.
Anon @ 3:17. What part is mean and how so?
Their names could have been added to the bottom of the photo with photoshop instead of spending money on a disposable engraved bronze plate, no?
I can't wait until your older daughter starts posting so she can put "6th generation Kelley" in her posts. This will of course automatically make her far worthier than you, or us mere mortals.
Uh oh...I smell the distinct odor of an inferiority complex emanating from Anon 8:49's post.
Hardly, it's just clear that the Select Board is not nearly as worthy of recognition as the great Larry. I keep looking for the bronze statue to him, perhaps it's in Kendrick park?
Actually Anon nitwit my older daughter is FAR worthier than you.
She has a name and uses it proudly.
ad hominem is the refuge of people depleted of ideas
Ad hominem is Larry's stock in trade.
Actually Nitwit Anon (and for all I know you are all one-and-the-same) I only engage in "Ad hominem" when somebody provokes with me first with attacks on me (or, far worse, my family).
This is MY blog. NOT my health club. It is MY VERY PERSONAL (but yet admittedly public) property.
As is my home.
You wanna come here, feel free. But you don't pay me to come here.
And I don't let strangers into my home. So: give my grief and I will return the favor.
Don't like that? Then don't come here! Nitwit.
Well said.
Thanks. Now you know why I choose the headline for this particular upload.
And also consider: the bricks-and-mortar media has a "headline editor" separate from the "reporter" who pens the article, and a "photographer" who does the photo shoot, and perhaps a "photo editor" who actually chooses the photo to use for the article.
No wonder the bricks-and-mortar media is going bankrupt.
Good point. What is also interesting to me is that again and again you have people stopping by your blog to do a drive-by shooting with their verbal BB guns & yet I will bet dollars to donuts that when the rubber hits the road, and real ACTION is called for on an issue, these same people will be safely tucked away in their comfy bomb shelters.
Anon 3:52 mentions ad hominem being the "refuge of people who are depleted of ideas" but you know what? Amherst is absolutely filled to the BRIM with "idea people" who like to sit in their chairs & dispense their (self-proclaimed) brilliant ideas like gold coins to the intellectual peasants that they envision fawning at their feet. We don't NEED any more of these types! What we DO need are more folks who are willing to step out into the REAL world - with all of its messy details - and get their hands dirty doing some REAL work, on REAL issues, that involve REAL people. I may not agree 100% with everything that you say/do Larry, but I sure respect the hell out of you for your willingness to jump off the sidelines and get in the game.
Anons 3:52 and 12:44 would do well to learn from your example on that front and put their verbal BB guns away. Their snide remarks help nobody & only serve to highlight their ineffectual natures and lack of any clear goal/agenda other than to appear "smart" and "clever." These are times that call for DOERS not smart-ass TALKERS and I for one would choose to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Larry Kelley right now over any one of the many do-nothing, seem-to-know-everything, intellectual snobs who populate Amherst.
Yeah, even my long-lost friend Mr. Morse, who I refer to as the "Grumpy Prosecutor" once said to me that if the Barbarians are indeed at the gate he would make his 'Final Stand' with me at my club (as we would put up a Hell of a fight)
What a complete waste of money and a disgusting display of just what nonsense people in 'power' can get away with. Honestly, I find it a bit embarrassing for the shmucks posing in this portrait. What was the cost of this and how does it get written off and what other total absolute wastes of money are going on?
Can you explain 'raised on Crow-Hill-by-a-low-income-Mother routine?' Thanks
It's true.
I agree with Larry just about 50% of the time (against my wife, for example, on some variation of his position on 9/11 flags).
BUT if we get down to the end, Larry would not be a bad guy to be stuck with in some Alamo-style situation in a foxhole.
He can be nonsensical at times (I agree with Free Speech Larry, as opposed to Vagina Monologues Prude Larry, for example), but he's fearless.
If you could see Springfield (another world from MOST of Amherst) the way I see Springfield, Larry, you'd be grumpy sometimes, too.
Rich Morse
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