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Amherst official calls for survey of middle school
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
AMHERST - School Committee member Catherine Sanderson is calling for an anonymous survey of Amherst Regional Middle School parents, teachers, students and staff to gauge how well the school is meeting the community's educational goals.
What a beautiful person she is.
How can we reward her great work?
Oh...she strikes me as a woman (not woym) with a freakin CORE. So I think at this point (and points in the future) a simple "thank you" would do.
And what is this rumbling and gushing sound you hear? It's the noise of the tidal wave that is about come... curling and crashing over the heads of Peter Crouse and Ron Bohonowicz.
Don't forget your flotation devices, boys...
Well, it has been seven months since that horrific Amherst school bus accident took the life of a two-year-old (and my daughter is two).
Gotta wonder if the bricks-and-mortar media ever calls the DA and asks why the "investigation" is taking soooooooo long.
Oh, there's A LOT that's been going on. And the ball just keeps getting dropped and dropped and dropped...
Ah yes Amherst, such a ~crafty~ little village.
Little shovel, big scoop.
We want it here first!
Yeah, well we know what a cutting edge scoop machine the Gazette has been these past 20 years or so.
Sorry to say (for all you blood-thirsty types out there) but it will probably end up that there is nothing to "scoop" on this particular issue. It would appear - from all accounts thus far - that what we have here is nothing but a good old-fashioned tragic accident.
All of us can put ourselves, without too much trouble, into the shoes of all of the "players" in this tragedy: the grief-stricken mother...the guilt-ridden bus driver...the tormented eyewitnesses...the poor paramedics who were first onto the scene...the conflicted school administators who have to straddle the terrible place between CYA (a necessary evil in today's litgation-happy society) and their own human emotions...and the list goes on. There aren't any "good guys" and "bad guys" in this one - just a whole lot of tragedy to spread around and the LAST thing that's needed are a bunch of paranoid conspiracy nuts (raise your hand over there in the corner Mr. It's Over) who would like nothing more than to drag this entire incident out into the spotlight again and again so they can have the pleasure of watching folks squirm. I say it's time to tuck away any "lessons learned" from this accident and then MOVE ON so the scars can heal & innocent folks can get on with their lives. (and so Mr. It's Over can go find a new hobby and perhaps a therapist or two)
Ahhh, my "Realist"...
Two down, two to go.
And now, come closer.
(wispers) Set the watch, hang the sign...
It's over.
Is it just me or are there other readers of this blog who believe that the guy who keeps making veiled threats about the schools should be wearing an ankle bracelet and/or taking some strong drugs to help with his condition? You are one scary dude m'man & I don't mean that in a GOOD way!
"Is it just me or are there other readers of this blog who believe that the guy who keeps making veiled threats about the schools should be wearing an ankle bracelet and/or taking some strong drugs to help with his condition? You are one scary dude m'man & I don't mean that in a GOOD way!"
p.s. Wish you cared enough to help in the prevention of the next child's injury/death... But nah.
Anon May 6, 2009 8:30 PM,
Nope, you're not alone. Im just glad he is no longer working in our schools, and for all we know there COULD be an ankle bracelet involved. To bad they didnt take away internet access too.
It was reported in the paper that it is the State Police report they are waiting for. If there was a reason other than a true accident this would be out by now.
"Nope, you're not alone. Im just glad he is no longer working in our schools, and for all we know there COULD be an ankle bracelet involved. To bad they didnt take away internet access too.
It was reported in the paper that it is the State Police report they are waiting for. If there was a reason other than a true accident this would be out by now."
Then why have the driver (who killed the child) and the so-called school "mechanic" been quietly asked to "retire" and offered $10,000 each to do so?
Hmmm? (btw BOTH have accepted)
Bring it.
Sounds like the Mazur/Bohonowicz/Crouse team are at it again...
Fiscal Year 2006
Dear Amherst Residents:
...Ron Bohonowicz began
his work as Director of Facilities on July 1, 2006. Unique to this position is that Mr.
Bohonowicz works for both the schools and towns, 75% and 25% respectively.
Thank you for your support and interest in our children and our schools.
Jere Hochman
Now, had Ron been doing HIS JOB, spending 75% of his time watching over the transportation department (not 25%), maybe ALL the things that've happened since the town took him on, could've been avoided. But no, he's been wayyyy too busy keeping the water hot at Wildwood.
But then, what does one expect from a hire who's had ZERO experience working with children?
Only an h.r. department with an agenda would take such a person on.
What a shameful situation.
Only in Amherst.
You can file the 10k retirement kicker (if that did indeed happen) under the heading of "CYA" as in "Cover Your A$$" - something that every large institution, such as our Schools, know a lot about.
By the way Mr. It's Over...just curious what kind of a (forced) retirement kicker YOU received when you were asked to leave your School job? I'll bet that you too were asked to "just go away" by the Schools in order to save them some embarrassment for whatever transgression it was that you committed, right? That would make you a member of the exact same club that you're tossing stones at right now, the "I Screwed Up And Got Put Out To Pasture" Club. I guess we can look forward to having two more Bitter Bloggers spreading their venom here in the not-too-distant future if what you say about the driver & mechanic is true. Wonderful.
"...if what you say about the driver & mechanic is true."
Oh, it's a fact, my slime slippery "realist".
Surfs up!
"Oh, it's a fact, my slime slippery "realist"."
But you already knew that...
Nice bonus system they've got over there at the middle school.
you are, as usual, spreading misinformation regarding retirements.
you are, as usual, spreading misinformation regarding retirements."
Too many people know about it already.
The number for transportation. Ask For Ron or Peter... They'll tell you if it's true or not.
People need to revisit this article.
Is this supposed to be journalism ?!!?
Not a SINGLE question like: Gee Mr. B, how comes they hired YOU? You are without ANY qualification to over-see the transportation department?!
Further, Jere Hochman says that's supposed to be 75% of your job!
Wow, nice hire there Kathy.
While we're on the topic of journalism, I have two questions for YOU Mr. Gibber:
1. Were you, as purported by others on this blog, indeed fired from a job at the Amherst Schools?
2. If so, why?
Until those questions get answered you have zero credibility re: ANYTHING that comes out of your mouth.
Why have someone else do what you YOURSELF should be doing, namely, fact finding? We understand however, how much easier it is to attack the messenger(s)... It's very Amherst... ;)
Thanks Gibber, that's what I CAN'T (or, actually, WON'T is more like it) answer the two questions b/c you actually have more to hide than the people you're trying to do a "got'cha!" on. And this ain't "shooting the messenger" it's merely checking on the CREDIBILITY of the messenger so we can know who to believe. You have shown yourself again and again to be very UNbelievable with your dodging & ducking of questions, your veiled threats, and your obvious urge to "get even" with some people who appear to have fired you from your job. (and, judging from all of the above, WHO CAN BLAME THEM?!?!)
"While we're on the topic of journalism, I have two questions for YOU Mr. Gibber:
1. Were you, as purported by others on this blog, indeed fired from a job at the Amherst Schools?
2. If so, why?
Until those questions get answered you have zero credibility re: ANYTHING that comes out of your mouth."
Answer 1: LOL!
Answer 2: LOL!!!!!!!!!
Now get to work, you have children to protect...
Some scary conversation going on here. Can you explain some of this.
Is there some kind of cover-up?
It appears as if you're late coming to the party Anon 8:33 so, in the interest of brevity, here are the basics of this particular story line:
1. last year a small child was run over and killed by an Amherst School bus. Very tragic.
2. the State Police continue to investigate the whole "What exactly happened that day?" question. Report due soon.
3. Gibber (Jeffrey Dahmer-ish dude making all the veiled threats) maintains that "it was no accident!" and he claims that he has some "insider information" to prove his little conspiracy theory. HIS report will probably appear on the same day that the Republican Party takes over the Amherst political scene, as in NEVER. Me thinks (as do others on this blog) that the Gibber (aka "Mr. It's Over") has a personal axe to grind with the schools because he was fired from his job there sometime in the recent past.
And there you have are now up to speed on this particular thread. So far the only "scary" parts to this story involve Gibber's delusions of conspiracy of "Who-Shot-JFK?" proportions and his stubborn refusal to take his meds as prescribed.
Good summary Realist!
Thank you for the update and I am familiar with the tragic death of the 2-year-old little boy last year.
I was one of those who prepared a meal for the grieving family. Should we be concerned about this character and does anyone know his true identity? I was just reading an article about the man who shot down the Wesalyn student and how he kept a journal with very sick and dangerous entries...
"I was one of those who prepared a meal for the grieving family. Should we be concerned about this character and does anyone know his true identity? I was just reading an article about the man who shot down the Wesalyn student and how he kept a journal with very sick and dangerous entries..."
Have you tried Thorazine?
(I don't think the rolfing'll do it this time... sorry).
Cereal box fairy tails about Jeffery Dahmer type disgruntled employees are fun to read and write but we're living in the real world folks.
A simple call to:
(413)362-1854 (transportation sec)
...with a request for application information about either a full time bus driver's position or mechanic's position is all that's necessary.
Also, if you know anyone looking for employment, please let them know about the openings.
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