10:00 AM
I stopped into the Town Clerk's office on the way to the Jones Library where I am at the moment keeping my darling daughters occupied, to inquire if Mr. Hubley resigned his Town Meeting seat yet (I had asked to be informed when it came in--but Public Documents Law does not allow for asking in advance for a document).
Sure enough, Mr. Hubley did indeed resign his seat as of 8/31 (no mention in his resignation letter of stalking, harassment or aliens flying black helicopters).
The best part is his return address, South Hadley. He's not even pretending he lives in Amherst. I forget what Awad said when the reporter asked her when she planned to relocate but it would be a good quote for now.
Yeah, this from the Crusty 5/9/08 Bulletin:
"When I decide what we're going to do with the house in South Hadley, I'll let everyone know," Awad said.
Hmmm...so we're still waiting (although it now seems pretty obvious what they are doing with the house in South Hadley)
Most of the people in this dumb town must have really been stupid to have fallen for her bull. Now, do you see what kind of idiots that are running our town?
Until later..............
Yeah, I think they lost a lot of potential vocal support when they lied in the Amherst Bulletin 'Letter To The Editor' saying they had rescinded the Declaration of Homestead on the South Hadley "love nest," and reinstated one on the up-for-sale Amherst condo.
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