I have beheld the Power of the Media from every possible angle: as a reporter, columnist, frequent Letter To the Editor contributor in print; as well as national news appearances on radio, TV, Cable and an early adopter off all things Internet—chat groups, listserves, and The Drudge Report.
But I have never encountered a more perfect weapon for the lone individual than this, the blog.
Seamlessly melding photos, audio, video with text made instantly available to anyone in the world (except China) via the simple button click is nothing short of revolutionary.
I once thought that if a tree fell in the forest and a reporter was not there to cover it than, indeed, it did not make a sound. These days’ chances are a motivated blogger will witness and record the event.
The Bricks and Mortar media can’t be everywhere 24/7. And they have advertisers to worry about and corporate owners who worry about offending their advertisers.
Bloggers are everywhere. And it only takes one to get the story out.
A year ago yesterday I started this blog figuring at the very least it would get me writing three or four times a week. Little did I know that it would sometimes become three or four times a day.
I think of this blog the same way I do my small business—obsessively. Allowing me--when things get rough--to draw strength from that core American value, pride of ownership.
(Now if only I can keep my cool when I spend two weeks in China!)
After your trip, maybe you'll entertain us with a comparison of the intellectual gravitas of the boss hogg in the town you visit with the boss hog in the town you live in.
Well I plan to bring my MacBook Pro with me; and I'm sure by this June or July wireless hotspots will be ubiquitous. So I'll probably still post most days directly from China.
They originally blocked the Blogger website (just as they are now blocking Youtube) but a couple of years ago relaxed the ban on Blogger. I’m sure they still monitor it closely, so I probably will not be calling any of the Powers That Be a ‘Boss Hogg’.
Maybe I should come up with a code.
I hear you about how fun and rewarding blogging has been. When are you going to China? Is it to bring back your new daughter?
Yeah, we're all going over to get Jada. If China's referral rate over the next three months equals the last two than it will be sometime in June.
Of course, if their referral rate were the same as when we connected with Kira five years ago Jada would have been here 18 months ago.
IF, however, there's a major incident--military action in Tibet or Taiwan (who would put up a better fight); the reemergence of SARS or an outbreak of Avian Flu, they could simply suspend all International Adoptions.
And I learned a long, long time ago: karate is pretty useless against tanks.
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