So is anyone surprised this is the billboard—I mean (foreign) car, that Amherst Select board Chair Gerry Weiss drives? Businesses in town center have to pay Amherst $350 annually for sandwich board sign permits.
But not Mr. Weiss for this rolling sign (click photo to enlarge).
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Yeah, Gerry IS a pretty funny guy.
But it's scary that he THINKS Amherst is his personal bullhorn and that he speaks for the ENIRE town. And until us peasants rise up with torches and pitchforks he and the Boss Hogg Town Manager will continue to get away with it.
Just another happy valley car.
I'm dissapointed that it doesn't run on french fry oil. Those darn things always make me hungry as I follow them from Hampshire College to town...
Yeah, or peanut oil. I'm sure he could get Jimmy Carter to donate a year's supply.
"So is anyone surprised this is the billboard—I mean (foreign) car, that Amherst Select board Chair Gerry Weiss drives?"
no. but some day, if we close our eyes hard enough and wish, maybe this will be true.
Do you people just ridecule people including Larry K's custemers that disagree with you, or do you do anything constructive. Maybe there are people out there that like going to places that they get rideculed if not now then at some point in the future like that kid that took karate classes that you write about. He or his parants probably paid good money for classes and now he gets rideculed for his political views. This doesnt sound like a good busness plan to me but what do I know. Does ridecule give karate students an edge? I remember something like that in karate kid. like trash talking in basketball. Anything constructive to say, or just childish ridecule of people who you disagree with?
ps... by the way, mastragelo... Toyotas are made in the good old US of A.
and the rest of you... you're right. Weiss should not be pushing for bringing the troops back home. How liberal to try to want to end a war that is so good for the country. When do we bring them home? When another million iraqi people have died?.
No, I only ridicule whackos that don’t know how to spell ‘ridicule’ ‘business’ or ‘customers.’
If he's going to festoon his Happy Valley vehicle with all that junk, why the hell didn't he just use an old "two-toned" junker. Hell, I've seen some of them plastered with all sorts of lefty bumperstickers. But given the price of these stickers (which used to be free or at least go for 50 cents) these knucklheads would've have shown more fiscal smarts by using either bondo or duct tape. But Weiss ruined a nice looking car. How smart is THAT!
sorry. i don't type so good. You don't just ridicule people who mistype. You ridicule Weiss, Shaeffer, anybody with any power who is not a republican, that Max guy, people who work at colleges, people who go to see plays that you disagree with, liberals in general,non-right-wing people in general,peopl ageinst the war, people that want the troops to come home soon, people who support cherry hill, people who disagree with you on anything. Should I go on or do you get the point. It dosn't seem very productive for the town, which I think you claim to like, and just seems like a bad way to encourage business.Think of all the customers you would have if you treated people who have diffrent views than you with respect.I sometimes wunder why people who act like they hate so many people here want to live here.
Yeah I get your point. And if bottom line business profits were the end-all and be-all then maybe you’re right: I would shut the hell up and act like a typical political who tries to speak without saying anything in order not to offend anyone because they are potential customers/voters.
My family has been here for five generations, so I’m not going anywhere now. Besides, a revolution is in the making….
but maybe you people could lead rather than just calling everybody that disagrees with you names. Think of it... LarryK and friends - Amherst peacemakers. Try it. You might lose your chips and feel better about where you live and your neighbors. And if you treat other people with respect, they might do the same bak to you. I am very serius.
Yeah and I’ll join the Men’s Resource Center out in the woods banging drums, hugging trees while singing Kumbia
Just informational...reread my comment and then yours to me.
Mr Weiss is a select board member for the Town of Amherst. He should stick with town issues. He wasn't elected to conduct foreign policy.
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