Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Blarney Blowout Surcharge?

Blarney Blowout confrontation near Pi Kappa Alpha frathouse

In Eastern Hampshire District Court on Monday one of the more egregious Blarney Blowout arrestees, Zach Bodine, age 23,  came before Judge Payne for a, hopefully, final disposition plea deal.

 Zach Bodine, age 23

The prosecution read the charges to the Judge as though the case were going to trial:  Mr Bodine was arrested at the "infamous Blarney Blowout" at the scene of the largest confrontation in and around Pike frathouse on the corner of North Pleasant and Fearing Street.

After police had given an order to disperse they came under fire from projectiles including cans and bottles, some of them launched from a 3rd floor balcony. 

Mr. Bodine, who was intoxicated at the time, was given a direct order to disperse which he responded to by challenging the officers and then getting into a physical wresting match.  He lost.

His court appointed attorney told Judge Payne the facts presented by the prosecution were indeed "egregious," but they represented an uncharacteristic, "once in a lifetime incident."

Mr. Bodine had been a UMass student majoring in Physics (with a 3.2 GPA) and worked as a PVTA driver, but dropped out last winter.

He would like to return to UMass and finish up his degree.

Judge Payne first asked the prosecution if the town and officers involved were aware of the settlement agreement?  The ADA responded, "Yes".

The Judge then handed down the sentence:  Six months probation with all charges continued without a finding, $50/month probation fee, 40 hours community service, no alcohol during probation period, and finally a $200 "restitution fee" paid to the town for police reimbursement.

Should Judge Payne institute that restitution fee on all 53 Blarney Blowout arrestees it would go a long way towards covering the $13,000 in overtime costs incurred by the APD that ignoble day.  

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Unfair Fight

 APD at scene of assault North Pleasant and Fearing Street 1:25 AM

So I don't really care what the victim may have said, repeated blows to the face of a person on the ground by a trio of attackers is a tad much.

Amherst police responded in force to the intersection of North Pleasant and Fearing Streets early Sunday morning for an assault that caused "severe injuries." Causing bystanders, who called 911, to become "clearly disturbed."

Yes, a pool of blood with human flesh in it is pretty disturbing.  In Eastern Hampshire District Court on Monday morning all three assailants had their cases continued with Santo Frascolla and Joshua Lulu being released on their own recognizance, while Mark Rodrick posted a $500 cash bail.

 Click to enlarge/read

Since the altercation occurred at peak time for rowdiness, on a main highway for foot traffic between town center and UMass, and all the involved parties are "college aged youth", safe bet alcohol was involved. 

Mark Rodrick (rt) with court appointed attorney appears before Judge Payne 

Party House of the Weekend

 46 McClellan Street, Amherst

A birthday party became nothing to celebrate as Amherst police broke up a large party (hey, it was a birthday bash!) at 46 McClellan Street in the wee hours of Sunday morning.

Disgruntled "guests" were anything but cooperative, so police arrested the host Avery A Fuerst, age 22, for violating the town's noise bylaw and Noah I Carr, age 20, for underage drinking.

Click to enlarge/read

In Eastern Hampshire District Court on Monday Mr. Carr paid $100 court costs and will be on probation for the next four months, while Ms. Fuerst had her case continued until next month to allow her to lawyer up. 

Meanwhile around the same time (early Sunday morning) Amherst police were called to 105 Meadow Street for a large party.  Those guests were far more cooperative, and no arrests or $300 tickets were issued.

105 Meadow Street, 12:45 AM Sunday morning

Monday, April 14, 2014

Does God Hate "Fags"?

Westboro Trolls doing their thing

No, my Irish Catholic upbringing tells me God does not hate anyone -- even bigots looking for media attention.

By now you've probably heard the Westboro Baptist Church is coming to Amherst to hassle UMass basketball player Derrick Gordon, for his recent well received coming out.   Obviously they are simply looking for a reaction, which they will no doubt get.   

Of course the only way to deal with agitators looking for attention is to deny them what they want.  Easy for me to say.  

In fact I'm sure I will be accused of hypocrisy since I will be at the corner of Massachusetts and Commonwealth Ave on Wednesday afternoon camera in hand to cover the staged "event."  But I honestly hope nobody shows up from either side of the "controversy."

Recently a Cowardly Anon Nitwit left racist notes in bathrooms at Amherst Regional High School targeting a female teacher of color.  In left leaning Amherst, a guaranteed way to stir up controversy.  If you let it.

On a lesser scale the UMass Republicans are sponsoring John Ashcroft as a guest speaker Wednesday night.  And if that speech is disrupted like Karl Rove was last year, it will generate far more press than if the protesters stayed home and his speech droned on as scheduled.  And probably puts the audience to sleep.  

#UMassUnited plans to counter-protest the WBC with 2,200 folks having signed on as "going,"  out of 6,000 invited. Yikes!  The corner of Massachusetts and Commonwealth Ave are not designed for that large a standing crowd, so public safety becomes an issue. 

Maybe the Westboro Baptist Church will pray for the safety off all concerned.  Assuming they know how to pray.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

A Dangerous Indulgence

AFD on scene UMass Southwest area 2:15 a.m.

The first call came in at 1:59 AM, a routine as rain "still alarm" in a UMass high rise dorm.  Two minutes later it changed from routine to a full blown scramble as reports from UMPD indicated smoke in the building and an "orange glow" on the 14th floor causing a second call to all units, the dreaded "box alarm."

Almost instantly four fire engines and all available ambulances (two out of five) are converging on the scene.

 14th floor room where alarm originated (circled in red).  Beyond reach of Ladder trucks

Meanwhile just down Commonwealth Avenue, a river of students is converging on Kennedy dorm and the rest of the Southwest towers from a concert called, appropriately enough, "Code Black" that just let out at the Mullins Center.

The smoke , thankfully, turned out to be burnt popcorn.

 AFD packing up the hose

Even as all units were still making busy at the base of Kennedy tower two more calls came in for ETOH (intoxicated) students -- one at nearby John Quincy Adams tower and the other on the Amherst College campus.  

These, in addition to the half-dozen that had already occurred since midnight at the Mullins Center, all for intoxicated college aged youth.  Even though AFD Chief Tim Nelson had convinced facility management to have two ambulances (one from Easthampton and the other Belchertown) standing by as part of "Mullins Center Command" they were quickly overwhelmed by calls for service.

 AFD on scene Mullins Center 12:45 a.m.

At one point, around 12:45 a.m., two AFD ambulances were simultaneously tied up at the Mullins Center for intoxicated patrons.  In all the concert required 6 ambulance transports (one by Easthampton FD, 2 by Belchertown FD and 3 by AFD) as well as an additional 21 patients seen by paramedics on scene.

The alcohol induced drain on public safety also impacted police as both UMPD and APD assist AFD at the scene of all medical emergencies, even when it's simply substance abuse calls.

Oftentimes the calls to respond to an ETOH student included the addition information that the patient had fallen, resulting in a head laceration.

Eighteen months ago a young woman under the influence of alcohol fell while walking on Fearing Street, hitting her head on the unforgiving concrete curb, resulting in death. 

Last week my 12-year-old daughter fell from a horse resulting in a head and neck injury (which proved minor).  When my wife called 911, EMS was quick to arrive.  Late last night into early this morning, that vital lifesaving system was heavily taxed -- almost to the breaking point.

Mostly to preventable alcohol or drug related calls. 

Live Tweeting a disaster:

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Saturday, April 12, 2014

Natural High

Extravaganja 5:45 PM 

UPDATE Sunday afternoon:

According to APD Chief Scott Livingstone there were only three arrests directly related to Extravaganja on the Amherst town common, and then another NINE later in the day/overnight due to the usual college town rowdiness, where alcohol played the dominant role.

 And So It Ends, peacefully.  

Organizer Terry Franklin took to the microphone at 5:45 p.m. and announced the close of the 23rd annual Extravaganja, requesting each participant take out whatever trash they may have brought in or created while on the town common.

APD kept a perimeter around the town common

Arrests, there were a few.  Very few.  But more medical transports than arrests, with some of them particularly disconcerting because they involved under aged females.

 AFD ambulance en route for a 14-year-old girl who passed out on the town common

But all in all, a successful event.  

Of course with nightfall the emphasis switches from pot to alcohol, so all bets are off for a peaceful ending to this gorgeous weekend.

Mid Afternoon Update

3:00 p.m. Town Common has hit full capacity

 APD arrests two, female driver for OUI drugs, 2:45 p.m. Rt 9 heading to town center

 NOON update: 

Extravaganja high noon 

 AFD Central Station 11:55 a.m.

Extravaganja food carts will be doing a brisk business

 Original post: early this morning

Amherst Town Common 8:30 a.m.

Well it looks as though the weather is going to be nothing if not perfect for an outdoor event.  Thank goodness we're talking Extravaganja rather than Blarney Blowout!

But throw in Spring Concert at UMass and rumors of a Hobart Hoedown today or tomorrow and you have a recipe for disaster.  Maybe Ed Davis should have scheduled his visit to UMass/Amherst for a couple days earlier ...

  Noon yesterday 

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Friday, April 11, 2014

Standing In The Way Of Progress

Sugar Maple @ 57 East Pleasant Street

So this big old sugar maple is no doubt kindling in the making even though the Amherst Shade Tree Committee voted to save it.

It stands in the way of both a town approved 5-story mixed use development by local developers Archipelago Investments, and in the kill zone for a proposed roundabout at the Triangle Street/ East Pleasant Street intersection.

Since the tree is not yet looking splendid in full bloom, probably not much of a public backlash will ensue.  And the developers have proposed planting 11 trees along Triangle and East Pleasant streets.

More controversial however will be the other rumored mega-development a hundred yards or so south of the intersection, where the same developers are warming up the bulldozers to demolish the Carriage Shops.

 Rear of the Carriage Shops facing historic West Cemetery

Because the rear of the doomed building faces and abuts historic West Cemetery (Emily Dickinson's final resting place), artist David Fichter painted a colorful lengthy mural, displaying iconic images from Amherst's past.

The $35,000 project was paid for with private money and completed in 2005.

But the local businesses who funded the endeavor probably thought they were going to get more than 10 years out of the project.

Indiegogo fundraiser for Amherst Record Digital News