Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The High Cost of Storage

28 Shays Street, Amherst

Amherst police had to be called (twice) to 28 Shays Street to attempt to settle a dispute over a stored 1980 Volkswagon Rabbit. Of course if new owner Michael Ben-Chaim gets approval on Thursday night from the Zoning Board of Appeals to double occupancy from a one family to a two family operation (allowing 8 unrelated housemates) the parking lot will be hosting a lot more cars.

 According to APD logs: Assist Citizen

Michael Ben-Chaim is now demanding payment for what was supposed to be a favor in return.  I explained this was a civil situation and it does not look favorable on Mr. Ben-Chaim as he was not allowing car to be returned.  Talked to the Reporting Party and explained to him how to proceed with the civil process.  Ben-Chaim also let it be known he was upset the neighborhood was seeking a stop order against him for building and RP confirmed Ben-Chaim was most likely looking to get money to fight the proceedings.

Monday, June 25, 2012

More Than Quiet Weekend

 334 Lincoln Avenue

The first weekend of summer for APD was fairly routine, but never quiet.

Friday 8:49 PM Noise Complaint 334 Lincoln Avenue
RP reporting loud music
Spoke with listed resident who just moved in this week.  Approximately five people inside who state they will keep it down.

Friday 9:48 PM Noise Complaint 334 Lincoln Avenue
RP reporting loud voices
Loud voices upon arrival.  Gathering of approximately 20 people.  Party cleared out, advised of Town Bylaw and verbal warning issued.  Resident advised next time he will come with us.

Saturday early morning 12:27 AM Noise Complaint 58 Tracy Circle
2 RPs reporting loud party
Approximately 75-100 people in residence.  No responsible resident could be found upon our arrival however party was later located hiding in a basement closet.  Warning issued.  Responsible party indicated she will advise her parents of this event upon their return home. 

Amherst Police also issued noise warnings to a half dozen other locations around town:  30 North East Street, 39 Hallock Street, 65 McClellan Street, 81 Summer Street, 31 Shumway Street, and 71 S. Prospect Street.


Bare flagpole Sunday morning

So it's not often the town center flag makes the weekend police logs, but some of you may have noticed the big new pride and joy of Francis Scott Key went missing early Saturday evening.  No, it was not Pat Church; just an equipment malfunction.  The original fasteners from the smaller flag couldn't handle the extra force created by such a big beautiful flag flapping in the wind.

 Big new US flag, small POW/MIA flag underneath

Old Glory was taken down and I'm told required three officers to properly fold, and went back up this morning.  Meanwhile the larger POW/MIA flag that flies underneath the American flag is still MIA.  Until found, or a new one ordered, the smaller one that accompanied the previous, modest sized US flag will fly, looking more like a postage stamp compared to the big one above it.

As we prepare to celebrate the birth of our nation and the continuing 150th anniversary of the Civil War, where President Lincoln championed a "new birth of freedom", perhaps the town should take up a collection to buy a b-i-g-g-e-r POW/MIA flag to remember the 1,664 Americans listed as "missing and unaccounted for from the Vietnam war."

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Young As You Feel

 Marge Crossman Amherst High School Class of 1937

Yesterday Marge Crossman, a lifelong Amherst resident with a life longer than most, celebrated the 75th anniversary of graduating Amherst High School back when it was a stand alone schoolhouse only for Amherst residents rather than the Regional operation it is today.

Back in the early 1990s Marge founded the Amherst Citizens for Responsible Government a, gasp, conservative coalition of taxpayers concerned about wasteful government spending driving up property taxes and forcing long time residents to sell their homes.

The group would meet at the VFW on Main Street and numbered in the hundreds, mostly senior citizens (Marge was in her early 70s when she founded it) but a gaggle of younger upstart activists as well.  The Amherst Bulletin once asked Town Manager Barry Del Castilho what his major concern was for the upcoming year and he replied, "Dealing with the ACRG."

Current residents will be surprised to learn the Amherst Regional High School $22 million renovation Override actually failed at the ballot box on the first attempt (1994), due to the efforts of the ACRG, who thought it was too big and of course too expensive.  A few months later the town came back a second time and it passed, but a message had been sent.

I asked Marge yesterday what was most memorable historic event of her lifetime?  "The bombing of Pearl Harbor," she replied--but then quickly added, "I had two brothers in the service at the time."

For us baby boomers who never lived through the horror of World War 2,  the resounding answer would be 9/11.  Let's hope when we hit "almost 93" that no other event will have surpassed it.

Izzy Lyman reports

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Miss Emily Returns

Miss Emily Dickinson at the Amherst Farmers Market (she refused to comment)


Proves The Rule

621 E Pleasant (Illuminated sign reads "Babetown")

UPDATE: September 17

So yes, the childish comments that started coming in yesterday alerted me that this fairly routine, slow- -news-day post from almost three months ago (or "forever" in Internet time) was suddenly getting an avalanche of renewed interest -- probably from one of the denizens who must have Googled the address or possibly the silly sign title, "Babetown" to discover this post and then reposted on Facebook.

Interestingly this particular post originally barely registered on my sitemeter for traffic generated.  But NOW, it has broken in to my Top Ten list (see "popular posts" widget over on the lower right side) of all time, out of almost 2,200 posts.  Well done boys.  Keep up the good work!

 Original Post: June 23

A day after the Planning Board Zoning Sub Committee heard an angry earful about student party houses at their annual public hearing--especially the conversion of single family homes to two family homes with a doubled capacity for eight unrelated housemates to congregate under one roof--police were called to 621 E Pleasant Street for loud noise and a bonfire.

And when firefighters arrived late Thursday night to put out the poorly contained fire, a couple dozen of the college aged youths gave them a hard time for disturbing their fun.

Hey when you have a full sized skateboard halfpipe in your backyard you would be able to enjoy it anytime of the day or night, neighbors be damned!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Everybody into the Pool

 Mill River Pool in North Amherst opened today, ahead of schedule

Apparently town officials were embarrassed the War Memorial Pool would not open as scheduled, now hopefully set for June 30, so perhaps they lit a fire under Leisure Services to get the Mill River Pool open early, just in time for the hottest days of the year, thus far.

Last night the Leisure Services and Supplemental Education Commission "site visit" to the War Memorial Pool construction site was cancelled because of "extreme heat".  Perfect metaphor for why the pool project is behind schedule.

Since the town wading pools are not open, I took the kids to the always reliable Hampshire Athletic Club.