To no great surprise, SantaCon Amherst is not going to happen.
Almost certainly due to the Select Board threat last Monday to hold (both) idiot downtown bar businesses responsible should anything go wrong.
And with 200 college aged youth, on the last day of classes, all dressed up as Santa's, crawling downtown bars, what could possibly go wrong?
UPDATE: Saturday morning 7:00 AM
And nothing did go wrong. Overall a rather uneventful overnight. Well, except:
AFD responding to Townhouse Apartments, North #Amherst for a " trash fire in the quad."
— Larry Kelley (@amherstac) December 12, 2015
Who knew Rudolph was a smoker?
Tonight APD and ACPD will be on alert for Crossett Christmas, where UMass kids usually arrive in swarms to take over Amherst College.
UPDATE: Sunday morning 7: 00 AM
I'd imagine Amherst will still be busy tonight regardless.
Your bringing this to everyone's attention certainly contributed to its demise. Thank You!
You're welcome.
But I'm still gearing up for a busy night tonight and tomorrow.
Gearing up, eh? I hope you have a white beard to go with the 'stache
These days it's naturally white.
Anon 3:54
I'm sure there'll be plenty of unused white beards to go 'round.
Good for you old man, you are some old goats hero.
Yeah CAN, I may be an old goat -- but I'm still nobody to butt heads with.
It's funny, seems the cheapest Santa costume is ~$40. and go upwards to $150. Anon 6:48 sounds kinda pissed; must've not saved his receipt.
You're all like Atheists at their funeral....All dressed up & nowhere to go :)
Don't forget to watch your back:) Santa is coming...
I always watch my back. Lots of Cowardly Anon Nitwits out there.
These debauched wastrel puke-ups need to GET A LIFE- NOT TAKE AN INNOCENT STRANGERS LIFE- for Christmas...
Santacon may be cancelled but at the college crowed Panda East tonight the talk was doing Santacon tomorrow. This also include a few kids dressed as Santa entering and leaving. Santacon will happen, just not the official Santacon- rather kids dressed in Santa suits acting stupid all by themselves. Amherst will be the island of misfits tomorrow.
Walter Graff- you sir need to proof read your posts. It makes little sense, but at least you fit right in, on the island. Don't forget to change your depends in the morning.
In shutting down an event that would never have happened anyway, you created an event that otherwise would never have existed.
It's like the stunt that the Maine State Police pulled back in the '80's -- they borrowed a truckload of already-seized contraband from the DEA and then literally arrested their own officers in a pretend (but well publicized) drug bust.
How many other aspiring event promoters have had an event shut down by a town? No one will ever ask if the event would have been a success if the town hadn't acted, bar owners in Boston or NYC will merely presume that the town acted in response to an event that otherwise would have occurred.
Hence he gets credit for organizing and promoting an event with a level of success that he never would have had -- and thus gets a chance to promote events elsewhere, which is what his stated goal is. I suspect he also gets to keep the money from those tickets he sold, without having to deliver anything in return.
Larry, you and the town were used. And Walter may be right, I suspect that there are a lot of really pissed-off UM students with santa suits..
Actually I don't think the Nitwit promoter ever got around to distributing the Santa suits.
And he had to give everyone refunds (not that the ticket cost was all that expensive to begin with).
Who's going to make him give everyone refunds?
The power of righteousness (the same thing that shut him down in the first place).
Behold the power ...
Again with the wastrels.
I refunded everyone in full. It was the right thing to do. 9 people still wanted their Santa suits which are being distributed today.
Dr. Ed it was never my intention to cancel the event, I fought for this to happen for weeks. The event existed all along (unlike Santa) and I actually sunk in a lot of money on attendee t-shirts, food, santa suits, staff t-shirts and credentials, decor, and a lot of time and energy on this. I can happily show you my expense report if you're interested.
Larry I don't appreciate your nitwit comment, I'm actually a pretty bright person and I'm already working on more events in the near future. Stay tuned: fb.com/eventmavericks
I can hardly wait.
You see Amherst folks, in the socialist pseudo republic, only official events will be officially recognized and officially written about after an official permit is officially processed and properly posted, otherwise, officially, nothing happened.
Regular folks, your next beer is in the fridge.
You don't believe Santa exists? Really? And you just Had to put it down in black and white for the whole world to see. As far as your claim of being bright, they All say that.
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