Maybe I will not have retire this weekly feature for the summer, as kids continue to just wanna have fun--at their neighbors expense. File this one under: Welcome to the neighborhood.
According to police narrative from backup officer having been called to 64 Pomeroy Lane South Amherst at 1:45 AM early Saturday morning:
"Loud party at location. Residents stated that they had just moved in to apartment three weeks ago. One male gave false information to officer, found in possession of alcohol and was later identified as resident of apartment."
According to the original responding officer: "Attempted to make contact with tenant at rear of building where crowd was located. Individuals fled on my approach. Many of whom were identified as minors in possession of alcohol. One male failed to identify himself while in possession of alcohol. Was later identified as tenant and placed under arrest for unlawful noise and being minor in possession of alcohol."
Michael Odonnell of Medway, Mass, age 20: $300 ticket for Unlawful noise
Matthew McMorrow of Norwood, Mass, age 20: arrested and booked for underage drinking, unlawful noise.
Assessor Card for owner of 64 Pomeroy Lane (repeat offender)
I hate to tell you folks, but a 3 bedroom unit like that soon will become a Section 8 unit with a live-in drug-dealer boyfriend and 3-4-5 obnoxious teen-aged children who are actually worse than the college kids -- but the APD won't do anything. Go through Southpoint (aka "Gunpoint") sometime after dark and see if it is the college kids who concern you....
Be very careful about what you ask for because you might just get it...
How many graduation parties could have competed for the list...
Oh wait, those people aren't Umass students.
Now, now...you don't think the fine upstanding, church going Amherst parents would allow their sons or daughters alcohol at a High School Graduation party do you?
That's a nice home. It also says single family owner occupied.
Wish UMass would build student housing near the highway - far across the field and far away from adults and neighborhoods. UMass seems to maintain their grounds and properties quite well - much better than the slumlords and self-proclaimed property managers who never show their face on the property but once a month to collect rent.
The "owner occupied" notation is also dated 2008. A couple years from now (if the owner does not get more selective with tenants) it may not be such a nice house.
All we're asking for is just peace and quiet in the neighborhood late at night.
It is astonishing that Ed and others are suggesting that there is something sinister or excessive or counter-productive about this very simple request.
Anon 6:24:
Have you contact the owner directly?
All we're asking for is just peace and quiet in the neighborhood late at night.
And what are you willing to give in exchange?
Would you be willing to, say, tolerate loud parties until midnight as long as there was an universally understood rule of that was the end of it?
Would you be willing to pay tax dollars toward the entertainment of AMHERST CITIZENS under the age of 21 -- a dance club or what not -- even though you know that most are UM students?
What are you willing to pay to solve this problem???
Re: "All we're asking for is just peace and quiet in the neighborhood late at night.
It is astonishing that Ed and others are suggesting that there is something sinister or excessive or counter-productive about this very simple request."
I agree. Just ignore him. I think he's a student himself. He's most certainly not a home owner.
You're not under 21? You've been in college 9 years. You must be closing in on 30 by now.
Ed, Why do we have to bargain with our neighbors for peace and quiet in the wee hours? It's a fair expectation that is also supported by law. What else would we have to bargain for? Some students act like they have a god-given right to party with all that entails, but I dispute that it's a right, and the laws in this town don't support it either.
Since when should any homeowner have to negotiate and bargain to get piece and quiet in their neighborhood? Part of me wants to berate Ed for making such a ridiculous comment. The other part of me comes from a place of understanding..as a never-ending student Ed has no idea what it is like to live in the real world. As a never-ending student he lives in a world overwhelmingly populated by adolescents and so he continues to have the mind-set of an adolescent. And what is the mind-set of an adolescent? - "The world revolves around me."
When one moves from adolescence to adulthood most of us learn that that is not the case. The problem with Ed is that he never made that move. So, instead of berating Ed for some of his ridiculous comments I consider the source, smile, and go on with the rest of my day.
I think we all have come to the conclusion that Ed is a student, thinks like a student, and acts like a student.
This is not to say this is a bad thing students have allot of useful information to share, and are intelligent.
But, most students haven't lived in the real world yet. They haven't experienced the hardships that the working people have. Therefore cannot grasp the concept of we worked hard, and most have bloodied their knuckles to provide a safe enviroment for their families to live.
I for one will help anyone that I can. But I will not comprimise everything I worked hard and paid for, so that some section 8, students, or anyone else that may feel some false sense of entitlement can undermine my efforts.
I personally work well over 65 hours a week, and I'm fortunate enough to have student neighbors that party and act resposibly. I just can't understand the thought process Ed and some other students have thinking "sure you can have what you worked for, but you need to give us something in return" aka some alternative entertainment venue.
I don't have the simple solution, but will tell you, don't stop to urinate on my front lawn, and I won't stuff my size 12 where the sun don't shine LOL!!!
The whole disconnect between student residents of Amherst and the rest of us is captured in this thread.
We think we're entitled to the quiet enjoyment of our residential properties in Amherst.
And the students, including apparently Ed, think that we must accommodate them and negotiate with them. (If we don't comply, Ed poses the added threat of an influx of Section 8 housing which is, of course, race code.)
In short, the students think that they're entitled to a certain level of misbehavior in Amherst. They pay for it by patronizing certain businesses. They came here for a certain experience and, by God, no one is going to stop them, by, for example, asking them to quiet down.
In short, students expect us to bargain with them for what other people enjoy everywhere else.
Amherst, 2011: "Why do we have to bargain with our neighbors for peace and quiet in the wee hours?"
Birmingham, 1961: "Why do we have to let the Blacks into the dining room when they can eat outdoors?"
Amherst & Birmingham: "It's a fair expectation that is also supported by law. What else would we have to bargain for?"
Children, this is why you so-called "liberals" so disgust me. You rant & rave about "social justice" and how the majority should not stomp on the interests/desires of the minority, how the powerful should respect the powerless and all of that other stuff, you "talk the talk", yet simply fail to "walk the walk."
So you hire more police officers, who become more and more thuggish, and it worked really well in Birmingham, didn't it???
(If we don't comply, Ed poses the added threat of an influx of Section 8 housing which is, of course, race code.)
No, there are enough obnoxious white single mothers for this not to be "race code" -- trust me, disfunctional parenting is a racially neutral thing...
The simple fact is that the properties will be rented to *someone* and in the economics of the Amherst housing market, every unit that isn't rented to a student goes to a Section 8 tenant...
In short, students expect us to bargain with them for what other people enjoy everywhere else.
If you lived in Palmer, right next to the Turnpike, would you be complaining about noise? If you lived in Chicopee right off the end of the runway?
The simple fact is that you bought a house in a college town, knowing that it was a college town -- a college known as "ZooMass" and a whole lot wilder/noiser than it is now. You made a bad investment that is now depreciating (not appreciating) in value and you are trying to use the force of law to inflate your property value.
How is this not "corporate welfare"?
What you have to understand is that noise is part of the college experience -- you are going to have noise as a byproduct of the college much as you are going to have nasty smells from the industrial chemical plant, jet noise from the airport.
Your house is only worth a half million dollars BECAUSE there are 25,000 college students in town...
One other thing -- you are going to have a nasty bloody riot with fatalities and a subsequent Federal investigation and quite likely wind up having a bureaucrat-from-away telling you how to run your town.
15 years ago, I was speaking with a now-moved-onward Gazette reporter and saying how I thought there would be a riot on campus. He didn't believe me -- but did it happen?
I now say "Kent State Part Deux" -- and I was right the first time.
Oh, and children, I have been in the real world. I came back to school *from* the real world which is why I have such contempt for Amherst, which does not live there.
In the real world, you have to get along with your neighbors, even if you don't like them. You can't just define those of a different race or age than you as some sort of subhuman "them" thing that you dehumanize. No. Not in the real world....
I love Ed's style of argument.
You make a point.
Then Ed sets up some phony comparison with his premise buried in it. So we get the Amherst v. Birmingham canard.
Ed, you're a hater. You can talk us to death, but you're a hater.
I am not anon 10:08 but I gotta tell you, Ed, if I ever ran into you I would have no problem telling you what I think of you. And none of it is complimentary. I don't know if you are truly racist or just plain foolish and out of touch. Many of your comments, Ed, just plain border on the ridiculous. I know you fancy yourself an expert on everything but in my mind, and I believe many others, you really have no clue what you are talking about most of the time.
AND, I would be more than happy to tell all of this to you to your face.
And finally, when Larry calls us CANs it's mildly endearing and always makes me smile. When you, however, do it, it always feels very mean-spirited.
Larryk4, is there some way I can get into contact with you, such as an email address? I am one of those misbehaved kids neighbors, and I have some questions regarding this police incident. Thanks!
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