Precinct 1: 138 Yes, 120 NO
Precinct 2: 301 Yes, 361 NO
Precinct 3: 139 Yes, 151 NO
Precinct 3-A 1 Yes, 0 NO
Precinct 4: 148 Yes, 106 NO
Precinct 4-A: 1 Yes, 0 NO
Precinct 5: 165 Yes, 251 NO
Precinct 6: 382 Yes, 395 NO
Precinct 7: 278 Yes, 366 NO
Precinct 8: 456 Yes, 584 NO
Precinct 9: 257 Yes, 207 NO
Precinct 9-A: 0 Yes, 3 NO
Precinct 10: 114 Yes, 106 NO
Precinct 10-A: 3 Yes, 0 NO
NO win 2650 to 2383 a difference of 267 votes from 5,033 votes cast. Total turnout 31% (about as good as it EVER gets for a local election). 2004 Override won by much narrower margin 90 votes and had only 4,000 total votes cast (28% turnout)
How many students voted, and how much did it cost to have polling places on campus for them this time around?
Yikes, what am I Stephanie? (Blogger joke).
Well, the on-campus students are in the four 'A' precincts, so we had a total of 8 votes cast; and if costs were the same as last month, it works out to $432 per vote.
Leaving 5,025 voters at an average cost of $2.11 per vote.
The precinct stats are interesting. If you add the difference of "no" votes in excess of "yes" votes for precincts 2, 7 and 8, which are geographically the furthest from the center, the combined excess is 276 "no"votes, more than enough to swing the referendum. Combining all the other precincts, accumulated "yes" and "no" votes are basically equal.
Yeah, on election night they post the results for a few minutes outside the polling place. So I only had time to check Precincts 7 and 8 (fairly close to each other is S. Amherst) and when I saw those results, thought we were on our way to a blowout.
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