Thursday, July 5, 2012

Confused Watch Dog

So about six months ago the Gazette published a front page story declaring a car dealership "apparently out of business" based on a tip from a blogger (not me), an empty car lot, and a office that was closed on a Sunday.

The very next day, probably in response to a threatened lawsuit, they published--also front page--a puff piece about the new and improved used car scheme the former VW dealership was about to morph into.

Yesterday the Daily Hampshire Gazette published a belated investigative piece about the used car dealership closing up--this time for good--leaving in its wake disgruntled consumers out thousands of dollars in deposits and cars that cannot be driven because of missing titles.

In other words, the kind of thing that if exposed a few months earlier could have saved their readers (and non readers) a major headache.  

And I could not help but notice in yesterday's  article they never mention the prominent incidents from only six months ago.  Hmm...

Born back ceasely into the past

So yes, Amherst did have a July 4 Parade yesterday.  Hundreds of parents, kids, grandparents, friends, family and their dogs descended on the South Amherst town common as they have for over 100 years to participate in the July 4 Children's Bicycle Parade, a grand neighborhood block party painted in red, white and blue.

And 30 years from now some of these children will bring their children, as the baton is passed...

Monday, July 2, 2012

Water, water, everywhere...

War Memorial Pool 3:00 PM Today (presumably the water will be less green for Opening Day)

Party House of the Weekend

 11 Eames Place, Amherst

So these party boys and girl at 11 Eames Place are a throw back to the party days of yore (as in anytime the UMass is in session), yet as unusual as a white buffalo:  My first "owner occupied" party house. 

Very early Saturday morning (1:00 AM) police were called to this bucolic, tidy, tucked away neighborhood for reports of a "fight in the area and noise complaint."  Upon police arrival the fight was over, but the noise remained.

Neighbors report that on Sunday the perps came a calling to admit their interaction with Amherst Police and complain that they were unfairly arrested for "noise", when in fact it was the combatants engaged in fighting who attracted a police response.

Next time maybe they will do a better job controlling their guests.   

Arrested for unlawful noise:

Brendan Toohey, Calamint Hill Rd, North Princeton, MA, age 22
Jennifer List, Eli Lane, East Falmouth, MA, age 19
Reed Smith, Paine Street, Wellesley, MA, age 27


Amherst DPW

Runner up party house:  Police were called to 62 Gray Street early Sunday morning (1:16 AM) for "reports of a loud pary spilling into roadway."

According to APD narrative:

Several guests were found outside drinking alcohol and speaking loudly.  Resident was identified and party cleared.  Additionally a town "Stop" sign was located in the common area of #2 and seized.  The sign was tagged as property to be returned to the DPW.  The resident was issued a warning for noise.  Approximately 20 guests cleared out.

And if an innocent citizen died as a result of the missing stop sign? 

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Zoning Compromise

Michael Ben-Chaim (standing) 8 opposition neighbors (rear)

My late journo mentor Howard Ziff once told Amherst Town Meeting that a "good compromise" is one where neither side walks away perfectly happy, and our Zoning Board of Appeals appears to have adopted that philosophy with their painfully long discussion of 28 Shays Street, a public hearing that took three meetings to, finally, conclude.
ZBA: Hilda Greenbaum, Barbara Ford, Eric Beal, Building Commish Rob Morra

And for new owner Michael Ben-Chaim, 3rd time was the charm...sort of.  The ZBA unanimoulsy approved, over neighborhood objection, the expansion of the 50+ year old house built from a Sears mailorder kit the right to expand from a one-family to a two-family dwelling where normally each "family" could possibly be four unrelated adults.

And of course the major concern of neighbors are those unrelated adults = "students."

Originally Mr. Ben-Chaim, a teacher by trade, wished to expand to a three family dwelling.  Yes, that may have been salesmanship on his part, expecting the board would compromise at two.  But the most interesting condition of the compromise requires Mr. Ben-Chaim be one of the families, and if he sells the house, the buyer must live there or the house reverts back to a one family unit.
28 Shay Street. Baird House hidden behind screen of evergreens, with more coming

As any of you who have followed my Party House of the Weekend series knows, the winners are always owned by absentee landlords.  I grew up in a large house on High Street where my mother was forced to rent to students to make ends meet.  And we never had a problem with noise, vandalism, or drunken revelry. Hell hath no fury like an angry Irish mother.

The idea of creating a condition for "owner occupied" as part of the approval seems to have originated with the Amherst Historical Commission.  Not that the deteriorating house at 28 Shays is historically significant.  The immediate neighbor, however, most certianly is and that abode at 38 Shays Street is characterized as"the most historically significant house in town."

No, not the Dickinson Homestead--although it is also closely associated with Amherst College:  The  Baird House, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright for noted Amherst College professor Theodore Baird.

And yes, maybe I'll forgive the Historical Commission for that slight to Miss Emily, because the Baird House is most certainly the most important architectual house in Amherst.

And the Historical Commission and Design Review Board went out of their way to ensure the Baird House is not impacted in any significant manner by the new renovations, recommending tree plantings for additional screenage, downcast lighting, and locating the tenant parking spaces as far away from the Baird House as possible.

The Zoning Board took their advice, incorporating those conditions into their order of approval.

Now if only the ZBA would start making that "owner occupied"  provision mandatory in all future single family conversions Amherst would be better by far for it.

And in this particular case, safe bet the neighbors will be watching to ensure the provision is enforced.

ZBA Petition Shays St

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Brighter Downtown

New flowers for town center

A generation or two before the  permaculture movement became a media darling, the old fashioned Amherst Garden Club has been doing its horticultural thing, including maintaining the planters in town center.

And if gardens strike your fancy, the Amherst Historical Society is sponsoring a "garden tour" today from 9:30 AM until 4:00 PM.