Friday, February 3, 2012

Occupy Sends the wrong signal

Don't like

My digital journalist buddy Mary Serreze, who covers Northampton like I cover Amherst, posted this photo on my Facebook wall after I commented about this obnoxious incident on hers, knowing it was an act of disrespect deserving of further mention.

And as she already pointed out, the Occupy Northampton folks also disrupted a Northampton City Council meeting last night, thus showing disrespect for our government at all levels.

The American flag belongs to all of us, all 100%! Men and women have died and will continue to die for the freedoms it represents, including the freedom to use it disrespectfully. Yes, flying the flag upside down is a legitimate way to signal distress, but dragging it on the ground is distressing to the vast majority of Americans from all socioeconomic backgrounds.

As the noisy crowd of perhaps 100 passed around us, my 10-year-old daughter took note of the American flag being used like a dust mop and said "Why are they doing that?" "Because they want to get our attention," I replied.

As my Chinese friends would say, "Be careful what you wish for."

Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Price of Safety

Amherst Joint Capital Planning Committee with Public Safety Chiefs

The Joint Capital Planning Committee, comprised of two members each from Select Board, School and Finance Committees and Library Trustees, heard presentations this morning from APD Chief Livingstone and AFD Chief Nelson regarding capital items required in the next fiscal year, totally $798,000.

Since police cruisers and ambulances are on the go 24/7, it's no surprise that new ones are required annually--and that they are more expensive than regular vehicles. But that did not stop Carol Gray from questioning the purchase of four police patrol cars and nitpicking in favor of hybrids.

The Chief responded with just the facts: two of the four cruisers have over 100,000 miles and the other two (both of which had transmission failures) will have over 100,000 if they do not die before July 1.

And hybrids may save money on gas but cost significantly more upfront and do not have the heavy duty mechanics--or roll cage--required for the severe beating these front line machines endure.

Computers, cameras, emergency lights, and radar would combine to overwhelm the electrical capacity of a typical hybrid.

An entirely new radio system at a cost of $125,000 is required because a new Federal Law goes into effect 1/1/13 with strict "narrow band" requirements that our current system--purchased in 1978--will not meet.

The Fire Department had the lions share of total requests ($523,000), significant portions due to the age and deterioration of our downtown Central Fire Station top to bottom: A new roof (the current one had a tree growing out of it) at $103,000 and new floor at $63,000. The station was originally built in 1930 when fire apparatus was a lot smaller and lighter, so newer heavier machines take their toll on the floor--especially where it's not solid slab.

A new ambulance costs $205,000 but will last ten years (200,000 miles) and that appropriation comes out of the ambulance fund--money generated by insurance payments from patients. On a typical day, the department can staff three ambulances, four if they are expecting a heavy call volume, such as Superbowl weekend.

Firefighters also rely on two critical, relatively tiny, but expensive items. Thermal imaging cameras (three at $6,000 each) to "see" through smoke and debris, and 24 radios ($1,000 each) for 2-way communication. Assistant Chief Stromgren would like to get to a point where every firefighter who enters a building can carry a thermal imaging camera.

The Joint Capital Planning Committee currently has $1 million more in requests than funds available. Considering how both public safety departments are understaffed, let's hope the JCPC at least recommends (to Town Meeting) giving them the necessary tools to perform their vital duties.
Potholes inside the main station
Cracks from stress of heavy vehicles

The underside of the cracked floors shows moisture leak damage
The eyes of life. Portable thermal imaging cameras. $6,000 each
Assistant Chief Stromgren in the flesh (background), thermal image (foreground)

Protective gear: $2, 500 per person

Pants and boots ready for a quick response

Rooms for rent

156 Sunset Avenue will double in occupancy Note UMass Southwest Tower on right

Last night the Amherst Planning Board voted 6-2 to support the request by Eagle Crest Property Management--owned by James Cherewatti--to convert a single family residence into a two family abode, thus making it legal for eight unrelated individuals to take up residence.
James Cherewatti on left

A few of the members cited the Apple Corps Builders motto, "Close enough for South Amherst" (although in this case it's North Amherst) as the house only missed being allowed to become a duplex "by right" by being 16" to close to the road.

Jonathan O'Keeffe pointed out that conversions of single family (formerly) owner occupied housing is a problem all over town because the lucrative practice can attract unruly tenants bringing headaches to the neighborhood--but in this case the house is already student occupied.

And the with the close proximity of UMass it's better to have the students there rather than newly introduced into a traditional neighborhood further away.

The Zoning Board of Appeals has the ultimate authority over this conversion and will hear the case next week. It requires a unanimous vote of all three sitting members.

Currently the house is valued at $404,000 thus generating about $8,000 per year in taxes. Although the owners rent revenue will double, the assessed value will not go up because two family units are not assessed based on income generated, only four or more units.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Fitness Zombie Dies Another Death

Blame the victim

In spite of the recent headline that the Leading Edge Health Club in Greenfield had "No Plans to close the gym" the well earned end came swiftly anyway as today their doors are locked, the music silenced and machines switched permanently off.

Apparently Home Depot did not want to forgive $300,000 in unpaid bills rung up over the past two years, probably figuring any business partnership that can fall that far behind in such a short time is not a good bet to turn around instantly simply because one loser partner purges the other.

I guess the good thing about charging a ridiculously low monthly fee is that members can't be owed too much in lost pre-paid memberships. But it is still bad for the industry, sowing seeds of distrust and giving people the wrong impression of the true cost to run a health club properly--which is reflected in normal monthly rates.

Industry standard these days is easily in the $49/month range. So when someone promises to provide the same service for $9.95/month, beware.

If it sounds to good to be true..

Still a "Grand Opening" sign over three years later

Ch 22 TV news jumps on the story

Parking Ticket Slump

Only the top left gray screen is illuminated at night

Even worse than the beleaguered Cherry Hill Golf Course, Amherst parking ticket spoils are down a dramatic 25% half-way through the fiscal year, currently totaling $111,824 vs. last year at this time, $148,527.

The new parking system needs some getting used to, so enforcement officers have been spending more time showing folks how to use the parking machines and less time writing out tickets. The new machines can be a tad confusing because after you pay for time it does not confirm the payment and tell you to "have a nice day."

The machines are also hard to read in low light conditions, although they do take credit cards and payments can be made via a smartphone. Unfortunately those transactions have a slight catch: "Each mPARK transaction is subject to a minimum $1.00 purchase, made in $1.00 increments, plus a nominal service fee." So if you wish to run into a store for coffee and a paper you may want to park at the remaining traditional parking meters that take good old American change.

The Spring Street Parking lot in town center was also under construction for almost six months, which could account for substantial lost ticket revenues.

Noise and Pot

Frat Row neighbor, 374 N Pleasant St, Pi Kappa Alpha. Managed by Kendrick Properties

Over the weekend Amherst police and fire personnel paid professional visits to this frathouse strategically located on the Gateway to UMass. No, that's not unusual.

According to APD logs: 2:27 AM (early Saturday morning)

Narrative: Loud Party
Music could be heard upon arrival.

Earlier that evening Amherst Fire Department responded to a smoke alarm alert due to "pot smoke near detector."

Interestingly the Amherst Zoning Board of Appeals denied the conversion of a nearby (138 Nutting Avenue) sorority to a fraternity precisely because of incidents like this. In that case, the new owners have now filed suit against the town and ZBA.

On Wednesday night the Planning Board will take up a similar issue and discuss making recommendations to the Zoning Board of Appeals, who has ultimate jurisdiction:

Eagle Crest Property - 156 Sunset Avenue - to convert a dimensionally non-conforming single-family dwelling to a two-family dwelling.

And of course "two-family" does not mean a pair of 'Leave It To Beaver' households with a stay at Mom, working Dad, and two precocious kids. It means (at least) eight UMass students.

Ownership card for 374 North Pleasant Street

Monday, January 30, 2012

Busy weekend for Amherst Fire Department

Amherst Fire Department ambulance

Apparently in a "college town," unseasonably mild weather and copious quantities of alcohol go together like pizza and, ummm, beer.

In addition to numerous noise complaints all over town fielded by Amherst Police Department, their brother-and-sister First Responders were kept on the go all weekend long as well, dealing with the other byproduct of too much alcohol--a legal product, when consumed without restraint could cause death.

AFD summary of runs 1/27/12 through 1/30/12
Note cluster of ETOH (alcohol poisoning) calls at UMass late Friday early Saturday morning. And yes, that did tie up all four on duty ambulances, so that the only thing left protecting the entire town of Amherst (for fire or medical) was the Student Force--God love them.

Oh the irony: Irresponsible actions of students required the more upstanding responsible students (Student Force) to come to the aid of the town.