Monday, September 12, 2011

Meadow Street Marauders

121 Meadow Street. Directly across street from Townhouse Apartments 

While top ranked UMass and town officials and Northwestern District Attorney Dave Sullivan staked out the south side of campus Friday night intercepting throngs of students traveling by foot through residential neighbors to discuss civility, respect and politeness all while handing out raisin oatmeal cookies, the north end of campus became party central, culminating in a riot at 121 Meadow Street. According to police narrative (11:57 PM):

1000+ party guests were cleared out. While doing so, bottles were thrown at officers who had to retreat and don riot helmets for protection. It took approximately 45 minutes to clear the party out. All party guests were moved east bound down Meadow Street and toward North Pleasant Street. The resident of 121 Meadow Street was issued a TBL (town bylaw) Nuisance House violation.

Summons issued:
18 Pond Street Stoneham, MA
age 21

Issuing a $300 Nuisance House ticket sets the groundwork for holding the owner of the house responsible, because after the second offense the town can fine the landlord $300 for not controlling their irresponsible tenants.

Property card for 121 Meadow Street

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Amherst 9/11/11

Amherst Town Center 8:30 AM through 10:45 AM
Ground Zero flag accompanies the 29 commemorative flags in downtown Amherst
Amherst Fire Department helps with Big Y American flag
The biggest flag to ever fly over the Amherst town common

Stan Durnakowski holds the Ground Zero flag

Mass Live Springfield Republican reports
1:00 PM through 2:15 PM

Select Board Chair Stephanie O'Keeffe addresses the crowd

Amherst Police and Fire come to attention

Couple lost in thought, gazing at the large flag on the town common

4:30 PM through 6:00 PM
Interfaith service Grace Church

Twin Towers of Light 8:45 PM through 12 Midnight
Twin Towers cast shadows on the flag

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Final flight

Amherst downtown commemorative flag

Exactly ten years ago, at the mundane Monday night Select Board meeting, in the atypical quaint New England town of Amherst, a typical ideological clash played out over the fate of 29 commemorative American flags, branded by critics as "militaristic", and "a symbol of terrorism and death and fear and destruction and repression," or "it's not something to be proud of."

But a passionate defender of the flags said the most disconcerting thing of all, his voice tinged with anger: "You desecrated those flags! When you took those flags down, you might as well burn those flags." As I drove home that night, I wondered about how to undo the desecration of an American flag?

The next morning a massive, monstrous desecration unfolded--stunning beyond anything any of us could even imagine . The flags went back up at half staff that mournful morning and continued to fly until the day after Thanksgiving, when they came down on a particularly raw overcast day, after the cold wind whipped them like a boxer pounding a speed bag.

I then realized the flags were destined to wear out, and, like the Twin Towers, disappear in smoke and fire. A baptism that would undo any perceived desecration but leave behind nothing to remember. So I decided to preserve just one, and embarked on a quest to cure a sacrilege without sacrificing the cloth.

On the night of December 1, less than three months after the sneak attack, Ground Zero was still smoldering and New York City was bathed in an almost purifying white light from a full moon hanging in a cloudless sky. Security was extraordinarily tight, with every street heading to Ground Zero guarded by police and military--some of them wielding machine guns.

I had told the flag's story so many times that evening it became a well rehearsed elevator pitch. Finally, one taciturn beat cop managed to get me down to the sacred ground, helping me hold the flag for my nervous wife to capture in her fist attempt at using a digital camera, and then silently escorted us back to a somber crowd watching from behind police barricades.

My parting words to him were a kind of a therapeutic promise. The Ground Zero flag would fly in Amherst town center one last time, "on the day Bin Laden is captured or killed--preferably the latter." It was the only time he almost smiled.

I retired early and missed President Obama breaking the joyous news about the death of the monster who masterminded 9/11. So tomorrow I will do as I have done annually since the first anniversary: mark the time of the attack standing in Amherst town center holding an American flag.

Only this time--with a very special flag. A promise kept...albeit late.

Columnist Izzy Lyman remembers the "Eve of Destruction."

Friday, September 9, 2011

Town Manager John Musante doing better

Update on Town Manager John Musante’s Condition
(September 9, 2011)
Marlene Musante, through Town Hall, is issuing the following statement:

John is recovering well from injuries sustained in Tuesday morning’s fall. Tests indicate no health concerns contributed to this fall, and slippery conditions are considered the prime factor.

He is expected to leave the hospital in the next few days to continue his recuperation at home.

Rest is the most crucial element to his healing. Visits and phone calls will be limited and no visitors can be accepted without prior arrangement.

Every head injury is different, and a timeline for the recovery process is impossible to predict. However, he has made great progress already, and we are optimistic that he may be able to return to work in several weeks.

John has inspired all of us with his strength and resiliency, and he has kept his sense of humor throughout this ordeal.

John’s care at Baystate has been outstanding. We are enormously grateful for the talent and kindness of his medical team.

We are so appreciative of all the good wishes we have received. It means so much to know that we are surrounded by such caring and support. Please accept my heartfelt thanks, on behalf of John and our entire family.

When there is more information to provide, additional statements will be issued.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Nothing to do but pray

Amherst Town Manager John Musante, SB Chair Stephanie O'Keeffe

(See 1:30 PM update below)

I rejected using the above photo on the night of August 22 because it looked as though Selectboard Chair Stephanie O'Keeffe and the Town Manager were bowing their heads in prayer or observing a solemn moment of silence. Now the town is collectively doing exactly that, holding our breath, awaiting an update.

(They were actually reading a draft report of Mr. Musante's job performance, which was concisely summed up by Ms. O'Keeffe as "stellar.")

This week started out emotional enough as memories of 9/11 fill the air on the runup to Sunday's milestone anniversary. If 9/11 taught us anything, it is that life can change forever in a single moment. Whether trudging to work on a stunningly clear Tuesday morning, or walking your dog in the rain.

And yes, that's far from fair.
UPDATE: 1:30 PM Some good news to report!

Marlene Musante, through Town Hall, is issuing the following statement with regard to John’s condition, following his accident Tuesday morning:

John has been and remains in stable condition, and he is continuing to improve. His physicians have never assessed his condition as “critical” and reports to the contrary are erroneous.

John is being cared for in Baystate Medical Center’s Critical Care Unit. He would have been in the Intermediate Care Unit if there had been a bed available. These units provide the frequency of nursing care for the monitoring he requires.

It is understandable in such a circumstance that people will speculate on how this accident occurred, but the cause is unknown. In particular, our beloved dog may have had nothing to do with John’s fall, but he certainly was instrumental in John being identified and assisted.
John and our whole family are grateful for the enormous outpouring of prayers, good wishes and offers of assistance we have received.

It is such a comfort to have the support of friends, co-workers and the community in a difficult time like this. Thank you all very much.

Springfield Republican reports the sad news

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Labor Day weekend rap up

Besides issuing $300 noise violation tickets after arresting three party hardy types at #164 Sunset Avenue, the Amherst Police Department also arrested and fined 13 young offenders for what seems to be the most common alcohol violations in a college town where college is in session: "Liquor. Person under 21 possession," and "Open container."

And since these laws are fairly uniform nationwide, it's hard to argue "I didn't know."

APD busted another party apartment at Meadow Street Townhouse Apartments (scene of many past riots) under the noise ordinance with three arrested and each fined $300. The most serious violation concerning alcohol--Operating Under the Influence--only had one offender, but it only takes one to cause untold damage.

APD also distributed another dozen or so warnings for noise violations.