UMass/Amherst: Juggernaut of the Happy Valley
Leave the torches and pitchforks behind, but do bring to the meeting a protective passion for the most important possession you own: a home. Because if you do not feel safe and comfortable in your own home then everything else is secondary.
And how can you feel safe and comfortable when the noise level in the dead of night is akin to a highway construction project, or hoards of strangers stream by, some taking the time to vomit or urinate (or worse) on your front lawn, or a drunken pair decided to kick in your front door while your family is fast asleep?
When it's your life and that of your family routinely inconvenienced, it's of no consolation that the University of Massachusetts is in the top ten for housing students on campus.
The fact of the matter is rowdy student behavior from a tiny minority of off campus UMass students is a major problem, and UMass needs to hear that loud and clear.
The answers employed -- handing out oatmeal cookies or creating whimsical cartoon characters in PR handouts -- have not worked. Neither has the discipline meted out over the past year.
So let them hear that tonight, on their home court. After all, a bitch session is better than nothing. (Maybe they will have a staff psychiatrist open the meeting with, "I'm listening.")