Town Manager Musante (right), SB Chair Alisa Brewer (left)
Tonight the long awaited evaluation of the Town Manager by the 5 member elected Select Board on his progress with 15 goals in various areas of responsibility showed interesting criticism from the two most experienced members of our executive branch -- Chair Alisa Brewer and Jim Wald.
Ms. Brewer gave Mr. Musante "unsatisfactory" a total of nine times (out of possible 44) while Mr. Wald checked it off five times.
Brewer and Wald were in unanimous agreement in response to goal #5, "Relationship With the Select Board" by giving him "unsatisfactory" to the same five of eight statements. Ouch!
Brewer and Wald checked off "unsatisfactory" to 5 of 8 statements
In fact the other three SB members did not issue a single "unsatisfactory" out of all 44 response statements.
Last week 13 current and former Regional School officials evaluated Superintendent Maria Geryk, currently the highest paid town employee ($158,000), on a bevy of criteria but only a single "unsatisfactory" was issued.
The Select Board will meet again before the end of the month in Executive Session to make Mr. Musante a contract offer and presumably a raise from his current $150,000 salary.
So it will be interesting to see -- especially with this surprising number of "unsatisfactory" scores -- if he gets the 5.5% raise necessary to make him the highest paid employee in town.
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Although statement G should probably include Blogs, Facebook and Twitter
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Selectman Jim Wald reacts to media coverage (and my title) on his blog
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Selectman Jim Wald reacts to media coverage (and my title) on his blog