"Smartie" was bird napped from Swartz Family Farm on Meadow Street Saturday afternoon
With the long holiday weekend providing the best spring weather thus far this year, two concerts and a car show at the Mullins Center, Extravaganja on the Town Common, Spring Football at UMass with tailgating, the stage was certainly set for an epic (bad) newsworthy weekend.
Empty UMass McGuirk Stadium Friday 7:00 PM
Packed tailgating outside the Stadium 6:15 PM
Extravaganja Saturday afternoon: 6,000 people, zero problems
And yes APD was busy handling noise complaints all over town. And AFD had their usual share of substance abuse runs -- mostly alcohol related.
But the story that seemed to resonate the most via my Twitter and Facebook live coverage was that of "Smartie" the stolen chicken.
Around 3:30 PM Saturday afternoon with the western quad area of Townhouse Apartments filling to capacity, a college aged blond woman grabbed Smartie while walking past Swartz Family Farm heading west.
Townhouse eastern quad Sunday the following day, not nearly as packed with party goers
Another concerned young woman alerted Sarah Swartz to the theft, who then marched over to Townhouse Apartments in search of Smartie.
The kids she talked to expressed genuine concern and took her to see the "Godfather" of Townhouse, a well
-dressed, articulate, tall young man who asked her a bevy of questions, while texting on his smartphone, and then assured her Smartie would be returned.
Sure enough, three hours later, Smartie was back on the farm. Fair is foul, and foul is fair.
So yes, I'm having one of my genius friends fabricate a protective Kevlar skin for my baby