Wednesday, March 5, 2014

DUI Dishonor Roll

Last weekend APD took five (5) impaired drivers off the road -- one of them, Carlos Saravia, age 27, now a third time offender.  Keep your fingers crossed this coming weekend, with the Blarney Blowout.  Or better yet, stay off the roads.




Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Foot In The Till?

Amherst Youth Soccer

The Amherst Police Department is investigating bookkeeping irregularities reported to them by the Amherst Youth Soccer Association.  Either cash disappeared or membership checks were written to an individual and the amount never showed up in the AYSA bank account.

The Director of Coaching and Player Development during that time was Chris Streeter.

What's Yours Is Mine

 40 Dickinson Street, Amherst 

Amherst Town Meeting will weigh the taking of private property by eminent domain this coming session after citizens petitions were filed by yesterday's noon deadline (only requiring the signatures of ten registered voters).

Amherst College, the largest landowner in Amherst, recently purchased the Classic Chevy building on Dickinson Street, adjacent to some of their holdings, and the College plans to continue using it as a garage for their large fleet of vehicles.

The building was assessed at $548,200 and sold for $474,000.

Problem is the building now comes off the tax rolls since it is owned by a tax exempt educational institute and therefor will not pay a little over $10,000 in property taxes this year (or any year hereafter).

A few years back Amherst College also purchased the Fiber Arts Building in the downtown and removed that from the tax rolls as well (formerly paid $16,000 in taxes).

But Amherst College is also the #1 taxpayer in town for all the houses they own and rent to professors, as well as the commercial Amherst Golf Course and Lord Jeff Inn, paying roughly $500,000 this year.

And on top of that they will "donate" to the town $90,000 (for AFD protection) and another $75,000 to the Schools.

 Echo Village Apartments
Activists also want the town to take Echo Village Apartments, 24 units of formerly affordable apartments purchased last year by Jamie Cherewatti for $3 million (along with an office complex).  The property is currently assessed at $1,795,000 so it pays the town roughly $35,000 in taxes.

If Town Meeting approves an eminent domain article, which requires a two-thirds vote, the Amherst Select Board still must approve the taking by a majority vote.

No Drones For You!

Look, up in the sky!

Amherst Town Meeting will tackle the high flying issue of a drone ban for all town departments via a citizen petition filed yesterday before the noon deadline.  

Amherst Police Department seems to be the focus of their attention, as if APD is in the habit of taking down perps without due process.

I wonder what's next, banning the use of binoculars? Or how about the Massachusetts State Police helicopter?

Chief Livingstone confirmed that APD has "no immediate plans" to use drones and then adds jokingly, "I can't afford them."

Monday, March 3, 2014

Amherst To Set Domestic Policy?

Current Minimum Wage in Massachusetts is $8/hour, Federal rate is $7.25

Tracy Kidder once famously said of Amherst that we are the only town "to have its own foreign policy."  Well on March 19 Amherst Town Meeting could set a domestic policy not normally within the purview of local town government by passing an ordinance requiring a $15/hour minimum wage anywhere within the confines of our 27.8 square miles, surrounded by reality.

Since 200 registered voters signed the petition the Amherst Select Board had no choice but to call the Special Town Meeting, although SB Chair Stephanie O'Keeffe called it "very unusual."

The idea is the brainchild of UMass Grad Student Matthew E. Cunningham-Cook.  Originally he was going to run for Select Board in the 3/25 election but became preoccupied with collecting signatures for this Special Town Meeting.

Although it does sort of fall within his educational field of study at the UMass Labor Center.

Spring is a very busy time with the town election on March 25 and the annual Town Meeting starting April 28.   Some of the Select Board members wondered if this March 19 Special Town Meeting would get a quorum -- especially since it's only for one issue.

Without a quorum the article is defeated, as there would be no "do over."

Amherst small business owners would breathe a sigh of relief, as laying off workers can be stressful.  Although small business owners in neighboring towns would perhaps be disappointed. 

Targeting Blarney Blowout 2014

Hide the women and children on Saturday, March 8

Last year UMass made a monumental error not being proactive about the childish Blarney Blowout.  They failed to send out stern warnings to students and parents because they were afraid it would only add to the allure of the Blarney Blowout while providing it tons of free publicity.

Obviously the small minority of college aged youth who were going to engage in rowdy behavior that day were already well aware of the event, and perhaps took the absence of official notice from UMass as being a sign the University didn't really care.

Amherst town officials were infuriated, leading to some of the more terse exchanges in recent history.  But everybody put aside their differences, and Amherst and UMass are now working closely together via the Town Gown Steering Committee to help navigate a calmer course for the two superpowers over the next few decades.

UMass also learned from last year's mistake.  Enku Galaye sent out the following email to staff, students and parents.  The UMass employee who just forwarded it to me said he "can't recall ever getting a letter like this before."

Blarney Blowout Letter by larry_kelley_1

Maybe we can get UNH to issue a warning to their students! 

Just Another DUI

 "There's a killer on the road ..."

While I wait for Eastern Hampshire District Court to get me the "Statement of Facts" Public Documents I requested for APD's  Driving Under the Influence arrests -- all five of them -- over this past weekend in our little "college town," here's one from last week I almost missed because it was a State Police officer who made the arrest.

Safe bet State Police will be out in force this coming weekend for the Blarney Blowout.