Townhouse riot 2012
UMass will host a B-I-G meeting this afternoon at 1:00 PM between Amherst landlords, town officials and of course UMass mid-to-upper -level bureaucrats to discuss strategies to deal with rowdy off campus student behavior over the next six weeks. No the Chancellor probably will not bother to show up.
It's at the spiffy (somewhat) new UMass Police Station, built with $12 million of our tax dollars, and starts at 1:00 PM. The press is not invited.
Also not invited are the stakeholders most impacted by the University's failure to control its students: Neighbors.
A couple decades ago UMass owed the town $200,000 in traffic citations that the courts had mistakenly sent them instead of the town. Naturally UMass did not want to repay it. I of course made a major fuss. A meeting was held at Hill Boss's house between the Chancellor and town officials to discuss the matter. The press was not invited.
The District Attorney found the meeting to "violate the spirit of the Open Meeting Law."
The problem with a state institution holding these secret meetings and then issuing a well scripted press release is The People do not get a true picture of what goes on.
And since The People pay all these folks salaries and operations costs, they have a right to hear the whole story.