Amherst Regional Middle School
UPDATE (Monday morning): According to an email from SB Chair Stephanie O'Keeffe the School Committee is now scheduled to discuss this important matter at their 1/17 meeting and will make a recommendation to the Select Board for their 1/22 meeting. Let's hear it for transparency!
I also loved former chief legal counsel to Governor Romney and now State Rep Dan Winslow's tweet about this all too typical Amherst affair: "Taxation without representation in my hometown?!? Say it ain't so Amherst."
ORIGINAL POST (Sunday night): According to policy published on the Amherst Regional Public Schools website, "When a vacancy on the Amherst or Pelham School Committee should occur for any reason the School Committee will notify the Selectmen that a vacancy has been created within 30 days after it has occurred. After one week’s notice has been given by the Committee to the Selectmen, so that voters of the town may have the opportunity to state their candidacy, the two governing bodies will meet to fill the vacancy by roll call vote."UPDATE (Monday morning): According to an email from SB Chair Stephanie O'Keeffe the School Committee is now scheduled to discuss this important matter at their 1/17 meeting and will make a recommendation to the Select Board for their 1/22 meeting. Let's hear it for transparency!
I also loved former chief legal counsel to Governor Romney and now State Rep Dan Winslow's tweet about this all too typical Amherst affair: "Taxation without representation in my hometown?!? Say it ain't so Amherst."
Also, according to a 1/4/12 email from the Town Clerk to the Select Board, "Chapter 41, s. 11 provides for such vacancy to be filled providing the remaining school committee members give written notice thereof within one month of said vacancy, to the selectmen, who, with the remaining member or members of such board, shall, after one week’s notice, fill such vacancy by roll call vote."
According to the 1/6/12 Amherst Bulletin, however, Amherst School Committee Chair Irv Rhodes has no intention of following state law and filling the seat left vacant by the December 30 resignation of Steve Rivkin. Mr. Rhodes declares the seat will remain vacant until the next local town election, April 3.
Fortunately, according to the Town Clerk, "Chapter 41, s. 11 further provides for such vacancy to be filled by the selectmen if such board (school committee) fails to give said notice within the time herein specified."
I respectfully request the Select Board place on the agenda for their 1/26 meeting a public discussion about filling the vacant School Committee seat ASAP, with that follow up vote by the Select Board scheduled for their February 6th meeting.
(And yes, I do know of one qualified candidate willing to compete for the open seat.)
Thank You,
Larry Kelley
Cc: Select Board, Town Manager John Musante, Amherst School Committee, Town Clerk Sandra Burgess, School Superintendent Maria Geryk, Nick Grabbe