Monday, October 31, 2016

Play Ball!

Potwine Lane Fields Saturday:  No soccer for you!

Saturday was a local sports lovers delight as UMass and Amherst College played home football games and amazingly UMass won while Amherst College lost (probably due to bad karma from "taking a knee" during the national anthem a while back),

Amherst College lost

The premier town soccer fields at Potwine Lane in South Amherst however, were all dressed up with nowhere to go as the Saturday games were rescheduled to other fields because neighbors continue to have problems with traffic on game day.

UMass won (must have been the flag)

Considering the town spent $500,000 in Community Preservation Funds to develop the "soccer fields" ten years ago you have to wonder if the CPA committee might ask for our tax money back if the utilization is cut back to keep the NIMBYs happy.


  1. I don't understand how Potwine residents can stop games. Who decides to act on the residents complaints? Is it LSSE or the Town Manager?

    We live in town and have lots of traffic on Football game days (UMass and Amherst College). Who do I contact to get those games cancelled? WTH!! People need to get a grip on what is means to have their home on a city/town owned street (residents don't own it and don't get to dictate who drives on it).

  2. Only in Amherst!
    Why is this happening? Who lives on Potwine and has this much power?
    Who approved this?
    Is there more documentation on this action?
    All of us have to deal with something...
    The children's soccer season traffic isn't the worst thing happening on the streets (and near our homes)
    Let them play!


  4. People who live in and around Amherst like to think that this sort of thing happens only in Amherst. How ego centric is that? And I suppose you are uptight about gay people because you think they are going to hit on you, as if you are something special.

    Amherst isn't special. Every town and city get just as cranky. Kelley likes to think that he scoops events that happen in only one place in the world. That's a clear example of Kelley's narcissism, as in he is the only one who can scoop events that happen in only one place. Therefore he is a special cub reporter. Give him his little merit badge already.

  5. Well, 2:01, I don't know of another town that built a brand new bridge to replace an old one, and never opened it. Larry, was that still a railroad track at the time, or were the tracks removed before it became a bikepath?

    Folks, teenagers can be doing a hell of a lot worse than playing soccer...

  6. Yup. Tons of nepotism in appointments and hires, not to mention prioritization of projects and events. The Potwine fields are a prime example, just check out the property ownership cards through the town website. Also how 'bout that Mill River bridge by Puffers, "surprisingly" declared unsafe and closed to traffic just as construction began on the McMansion next to the waterfall. And still blocked because the town has "other priorities" like a $37 million DPW facility!

  7. Just look at all the Bernie bumperstickers and lawn signs. Feel the Communism.

  8. This is peanuts to the new mega-school proposal-destroying common space style schools-just as the New York Times reports they are all the rage again -the by far cast uber majority of building is quite " the garage style open factory floor plan " School nuts like Appy on the take " For the kids" my foot- the golden goose !!!!??


  9. 12:25AM- Is there a link for The New York Times article about school environments?

    Thanks in advance!

  10. Anon 201...I love it...Larry as cub reporter Jimmy Olsen!

  11. Rec soccer played at Plum brook this past Saturday - I stood and watched for an hour and a half! Some or all of the travel teams are done now. Any other games may have been away.
