Monday, October 31, 2016

Drug Rip Off Gone Bad

Patrick Bemben was knocked out by the residents of the house he invaded
Patrick Bemben intake photo courtesy APD

So not overly surprising but no less shocking, the home invasion hatchet incident from late Saturday night on South East Street turned out to be a drug raid gone wrong.  And no, not a planned police drug raid but four would be Ninjas who wanted to rip off the alleged drug dealers.

In Eastern Hamsphire District Court today Judge Thomas Estes upheld the Commonwealth's request Patrick Bemben, age 25, be designated too dangerous to release on bail.

Even though his parents and girlfriend were in attendance the Judge agreed with ADA Bob Opsitnik and Mr. Bemben will be held in jail until his trial.


  1. Glad to hear! Any word on the other ninjas?

  2. Drug Related -- I'm not surprised. $300 worth of pot.

    Welcome to Amherst....

  3. That's why we need legalized pot, so this stuff won't go on. It's the fact that it's illegal that gets these thugs involved.

    1. We need legalised pot so our kids can get as stoned as we are.

  4. Any consequences to the residents who had $300 worth of pot to be stolen?

  5. Another Amherst residence serving as a base of a drug dealing operation.

    I couldn't care less about drunken college kids but I would like to see the police do something to kick the drug dealers out of town. Imagine if these morons had the wrong house!

  6. SICK -Just socio-path-genic-criminality mental illness social diseased minds !!!$&@?!

  7. Who had the hatchet, the robbers or the victims? You'd expect a gun or even a knife, but a hatchet, that's pretty gnarly.

  8. I've read really really repulsive comments on the other news sites carrying this story, about "those people, the black lives people, the people from the gangs from out of town", who did this crime. So, I hope we are all absorbing, how this is a well to do white dude from a well known upper class local family, NOT a brown person from a gang or Springfield or whatever. And, I say this as a local, well to do white person who is disgusted by the comments I read...

  9. Well to do white middle class, just rich folk who got their money from ripping off regular good people. What goes around comes around. Kid needs to learn some good life lessons while in jail

    1. Are rich people not regular? Lol. And are all regular people 'good?' Funny how we hate the rich people. But we all want to be rich.

  10. I am betting that it is far more than $300 worth of pot to carry this type of thing out. I am betting the cops put in a soft $ estimate until more was known. I am also betting that there will be a whole slew of charges if the DA jumps on this and indicts.

  11. "...this is a well to do white dude from a well known upper class local family, NOT a brown person from a gang or Springfield or whatever."

    Or a UMass Student, of any skin color....

  12. Another Amherst residence serving as a base of a drug dealing operation.

    Drug dealing usually is mobile to avoid arrest. If the customers know the residences dealing, the cops have to as well, or could if they wanted to.

    couldn't care less about drunken college kids but I would like to see the police do something to kick the drug dealers out of town.

    The problem is that the drug dealers are the upstanding members of the community, while the college kids are despised.

    Imagine if these morons had the wrong house!

    That is a very real possibility....

  13. I was not aware that GCC offered ninjitsu as an elective course. They sure didn't have it while I was there. Mr Bemben must've been absent the day they taught how not to lose part of your ear during a ninja attack. He should've left the camelbak hydration system at home and brought ninja escape smoke bombs and a first aid kit instead. Sho Kusugi would be so disappointed.

  14. Yea, I agree. Alcohol is so less much dangerous than pot. All those domestic violence complaints and deaths on the highway attributed to alcohol are fiction. It's those damn kids mellowing out on pot who are the real threat to society. You know they smoke that evil reefer and then they're poking around in the refrigerator. Yep, let em drink and get behind the wheel and start texting. Great idea.

  15. Collegian said $300 but I'm thinking $300/ounce, which, I'm told, is likely.
    Hence a pound @ $300/per would be $9,600 in pot that was stolen.
    And then when you include the bowl of buds the cops found, the two alone probably come to $20K-$30K. More?

    That's grounds for civil forfeiture of the house.

    I think Amherst needs to face itself in the mirror: Is it going to do something about drugs & violence, or is it going to remain a corrupt incestual gulag?

  16. "It's those damn kids mellowing out on pot who are the real threat to society. You know they smoke that evil reefer and then they're poking around in the refrigerator.

    Sorry, the model of the calm & mellow pothead doesn't add up. Ferguson was just pot -- I was convinced of PCP. I'll bet this brutal attack was just pot. There is a lot of pot-related violence.

    Maybe there was something to "Reefer Madness."

  17. To 10:11 pm,

    Can you please provide a source for your contention that the Black Lives Matter organization calls for the death of police? If that were true, wouldn't such a statement appear on the website at I don't see anything like that.

    1. You must have missed all the video coverage of the marches. " What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want 'em? Now!" And the lovely march by the BLM group where the chant was "Pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon." Use Google to see for yourself. I suppose you believe the "Hands up, don't shoot" lie.

  18. Nina:

    Katie Pavlich pretty much sums it up here.

  19. Can you believe the Middle School has a Black Lives Matter club? What do they do after school there? Practice chants calling for the death of cops?

  20. The commenter stated that killing cops was a principle of the Black Lives Matter organization. If that's true, then we should see the principle stated on official organizational documents. I see no evidence of that whatsoever and you haven't provided a source to support it.

    I don't know what happened at a particular march with particular individuals, but it certainly doesn't characterize the organization as a whole. The original comment on October 31 at 10:11pm is simply false.

    1. It is? I guess you are correct when you say tou don't know about other BLM marches. Black Lives Matter except to other Blacks who kill each other at an astounding rate. Also do you agree that "Hands up, don't shoot" was a proven lie? What do the "organizational documents" say about that? And I suppose these documents mention that all lives matter.

  21. Don't know or don't Wanna know. Michael Brown was a thug and a moron. And he never put his hands up. And he never said "Don't shoot." Incidentally what is BLM saying about the sky high rate of black abortions? I guess like black on black murder, it doesn't quite fit the narrative.

  22. "The commenter stated that killing cops was a principle of the Black Lives Matter organization. If that's true, then we should see the principle stated on official organizational documents. I see no evidence of that whatsoever and you haven't provided a source to support it. "

    By that logic, the stated purpose of the Klu Klux Klan was to prevent women from being raped. (This is a fact.)

    Now most of us are bright enough to know what the KKK was and did, maybe you aren't.

  23. To 12:17 pm, actually the documents do mention that all lives matter. Here is a direct quote from

    "We are committed to collectively, lovingly and courageously working vigorously for freedom and justice for Black people and, by extension all people."

    The slogan doesn't say that only black lives matter. I saw a helpful video that suggested it might have been more helpful if the slogan was "Black Lives Matter Too." For people who want to try to understand this perspective, here is a link to the video:

    Ken Nwadike

    For people who just want a place to say bad things about black people with no supporting documentation, I guess you've found your home with Larry, who never says anything to counter your invective.

    1. No one dares point the finger at minorities-when-despite real and unenviable hurdles and challenges-they do what would get say a WASP deep sixes in a jack flash-as a disabled person -I deal with priggish-boarish brutalist every day- liking it should not have to be expected !!!$&@

  24. In all honesty, we can look at this from a different perspective too. No doubt what went down was illegal and Patrick, as well as the other 3 perpetuating the crime deserve to be punished.

    However, I cant help but think how I grew up with this guy, literally right across the street... and also how sad this is. Granted we were not close, specifically over the past 10 years since graduating HS, but whenever I hung around Pat he was always the nicest fucking kid and I always thought so highly of him. Whenever we had conversation he always was intelligent and smart, and I always saw great potential in him...he was also an awesome soccer goalie haha... but when he was with certain people I also saw how easily influenced he could be, like many people in the small town we grew up in.

    On the other side he obviously fucked up, BIG TIME, and to do what they did to the victims is fucked up. IDK the motives completely or the people they messed with so I cant draw conclusions.

    But to just see this guys face in the newspaper like that really makes me want to reach out to him and catch up... pick his brain...ask him "why"... its completely heartbreaking.

    I really really hope he comes back from this, and just hope his close family and friends are being the strong support system he needs at this time and not giving up on him because even if he does get time. He is still young, and will have a 2nd chance just hopes he uses it for good, and FOR HIMSELF... not for other people or too impress.
