Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Halloween Hangover

AFD on scene Townehouse for college aged woman with face laceration from headbutt

I kind of figured Halloween weekend would not be the time to see an improvement in the drunk meter index and sure enough it was not.

In fact, even with the "impact shift" on duty we ran out of ambulances as all five were out (mostly for intoxicated college students) and Belchertown FD had to respond via mutual aid.

Amherst College was one for three with ETOH EMS runs, Hampshire College three of seven and our proud flagship of higher education UMass/AMHERST a whopping 13 of 22.


  1. Larry, this doesn't add up -- where is the ambulance data from the hatchet attack?
    The typed statement from police says "arm injury." All there is is a 1:00 head trauma which (I think) is too early and is a different kind of injury to a different part of the body.

    The "Assist Police" was FD only, with the next transport at ~3:20 for a "medical."
    AFD's too good, they aren't going to be hanging out in the parking lot for 2 hours with someone needing to go to Bay State.

    There were at least three victims, two occupants and then someone put that bandage on hometown hero's head. That doesn't show up here. There's a problem with the data.

  2. Halloween drunk driver DWI is pretty spooky - kids running around in dark costumes die thus - every year !!!

  3. Larry, for crying out loud. Just legalize weed already.
