The "flagship" of higher education in all of Massachusetts needs to do a better job educating their students about the deleterious effects of alcohol when not taken as prescribed, i.e. in moderation.
And I don't think a drunk index of .50 is too much to ask. As opposed to last weekend's .79
Not only do ETOH calls create an expensive trip to the hospital but it also ties up an ambulance for a little over an hour -- and even with peak weekend staffing, assisted by UMass payment of $80K per year, we only have five ambulances.
If you look at the first five ETOH entries under University of Massachusetts note all five occurred within a 1.5 hour period, which pushed the envelope for ambulance availability.
Just one more call -- like a senior citizen having a heart attack -- would then have to be handled by an ambulance from Northampton or Belchertown, which takes (too) many vital extra minutes.
Your concern has an implicit question embedded in it: is anyone at the University thinking about this with a plan of action in mind?
Rich Morse
It is truly discouraging- alcohol abuse kills in sooooo many unfashionable manifestations - abusers insist it's in-"P.C." to get " personal " on this issue - death- divorce - job negligence exacts a personal toll on everyone - abusers can double as a prime victim - what's fooling ?!$$&@
UMass has an EHOH problem for the same reason the former Soviet Union did -- asking the Soviets to fix it ain't gonna help.
Firing Enku Gelaye and a dozen of her minions WOULD help....
good thing Action Ambulance is around now to take some overfloW!
Has Action Ambulance signed a contract to do so? What will their role be in our community?
The "flagship" of higher education in all of Massachusetts needs to do a better job educating their students about the deleterious effects of alcohol when not taken as prescribed, i.e. in moderation...(because we now live in a society where parents no longer teach their kids to be adults.)
(Let us be real. These parents suck.)
(Like the big advice for when you hire have to finish raising them because their parents did not)
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