Wednesday, July 6, 2016

It's Like A Heat Wave

Town Common last week

Since my bricks-and-mortar media friends made such a big deal about Groff Park wading pool being closed on July 4th and probably not open this coming weekend, maybe the town can wound two birds with one drone and invite kids to play in the sprinklers used to water the Town Common and/or Memorial Field.

 Wading Pool leaks require constant refilling

The fire department doesn't seem to mind the DPW tapping into hydrants and if the town website disclosed the hours on a HOT weekend when irrigation is happening kids could show up in their bathing suits.

 Memorial /Ziomek Field

And, if that works, maybe employ it to welcome back college students on Labor Day weekend.  We could even charge admission (for spectators).

War Memorial aka "the big pool" is open

Mill River pool and Wading Pool are open 

Puffers Pond is open


  1. Nice idea. Have you suggested this to anyone in town? Perhaps an email?

  2. Thank you Larry!!

  3. You're welcome.

    Doesn't mean they will.

    Now if we only had a Mayor ...

  4. You, like, forgot the commas in your headline

  5. Linda Ronstadt didn't use no stinkin' commas.

    1. You mean Martha and the Vandellas, of course.

  6. No place to put commas in that sentence, dude.

  7. Why do we need the town to provide people with a place to cool off? Just go jump in a lake or river. So helpless people.
