Monday, July 4, 2016

Let Freedom Ring

Amherst town center 7:00 AM.  Weather could not be more perfect
Commemorative flags are down to 20  due to wind damage (I rescued this one)

South Amherst 7/4 Community Picnic and Parade (10:00 AM):

 Hundreds attended this generations old family friendly patriotic community event

Wagner Farm (2:00 PM)

Silver Bridge near Puffers Pond (3:00 PM)
AFD & APD on scene for a campfire built by swimmers under the bridge
Puffers Pond (5:30 PM)

 Main beach
Not much water going over the dam
UMass McGuirk Stadium (6:30 PM)

 LSSE town sponsored celebration

Sundown (8:35 PM)

Fireworks (9:45 PM)


  1. it's a great town!

  2. For some people

  3. ed
    please enlighten me / us on 7/4/09.....did someone wrong you?

  4. How much is Amherst paying UMass for damage to the drought-challenged field?

  5. Fireworks were especially terrific this year -- thanks to all who made it possible.

  6. Thanks to UMASS for hosting the Amherst community. A first class event!

  7. That the day they kicked you of of UMass, Ed?

  8. I thrice graduated, I was never kicked out.
    Not to confuse you with facts.

  9. The fact is this ed....YOUR A LOSER!

    1. It's growing very tired soon. So you don't like Ed. Do you have to tell us every five minutes?

  10. Really?!?

    At least I know the difference between "your" and "you're", penis-breath.

    And umASS is a fraudulent & corrupt enterprise.

  11. Poor Ed and his First World problems, they make him so miserable his only goal in life is to make sure everyone else is too.

  12. I am so upset I helped pay for your useless education!

  13. YOU didn't pay for my education, I did.

    When you figure out all the cost shifting for everything from diversity to unions, and from faculty "release time" to athletics (not just the football morass), any state money that was intended to pay for my education was diverted long before it could benefit me.

    And that doesn't even get into the outrageous things...

    So, penis-breath, you can think what you want, but it is far more likely that I subsidized you than you subsidized me.

    And while I'm not bragging about how well TSLC is doing, in part because I don't want umASS trying to claim credit for my successes, why is it that umASS can claim credit for the successes while neither having to accept responsibility for the failures, nor to have to admit what the odds are.

    Gambling establishments are required to tell you your odds of winning -- it would be illegal for them to claim that everyone wins, it would be illegal for them to advertise their product as an investment, and VERY illeggal for them to loan money with which to gamble.

    Yet IHEs, not just umASS, couldn't exist without doing this.

    It's something TSLC is addressing, but that isn't out yet.

  14. Anon 4:16, Google "logical fallacy" sometime.

  15. Poor Ed and his First World problems, they make him so miserable his only goal in life is to make sure everyone else is too.


    Some people enjoy cheering for (or against) sports teams. Some people enjoy spending no small amount of time & treasure doing this -- season tickets at Foxboro aren't ch eap.

    I instead enjoy revealing the truth about the purgutorial cesspool and the gulag that surrounds it.

  16. i may be wrong (usually am), but don't the new drone regulations prevent flying these over people?

  17. Yes, as did the "old rules."

    And since I can see where I am going, I can avoid flying directly over people.

  18. Your a Loon Ed..... go back to Maine.

  19. "I instead enjoy revealing the truth about the purgutorial cesspool and the gulag that surrounds it."
    So Ed, reveal something...instead of self pity..

    1. Larry, would you be so kind as to start a separate blog for it and all the people who have to write about how much they despise him? So that those people could go there and we don't have to be exposed to all the hatred. Just an idea.

  20. It really is driving me freakin' crazy.

  21. Sorry but I must ask....What is TSLC?


  22. Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center?

    Trinity Senior Living Communities?

    Tumor suppressor in lung cancer?

    Technology Solution Life Cycle?

    Texas State Leadership Council?

    The Silver Lake Chorus?

    Tracee Sharan Liberty City? (Points (kind of) if you know this one)

    The Silly Commenter Likes Commenting???????? (...more than reality, right Mr ed?)

  23. TSLC = The Short Lobster Company

    Fictional educational consultant firm. Some people have imaginary friends-- Ed has an imaginary employer.

  24. Umm Eddie. ..can you give us a link to your company ? I can't find in a Google search. Mst be tough to get business that way.
