Wednesday, July 6, 2016

SJC Approves Pot Question

If Amherst's medical market is $10 million what will the recreation market be?

The November 8th ballot will spark a historic turnout in our little college town as it becomes a perfect storm for generating interest:  A Presidential contest, a marijuana legalization question and a local pocket book issue with a $30+ million Debt Exclusion Override for a new Amherst elementary Mega School.

Today the State Judicial Supreme Court unanimously (7-0) approved placing the legalization of recreational marijuana on the November 8th ballot, but did slap the Attorney General for her original wording of the question.

The new wording for the title of the question is:

"Legalization, Regulation and Taxation of Marijuana."

And the summary is as follows:

"A yes vote would allow persons 21 or older to possess, use and transfer marijuana and products containing marijuana concentrate (including edible products) and to cultivate marijuana, all in limited amounts,  and would provide for the regulation and taxation of commercial sale of marijuana and marijuana products."


  1. I'll vote yes to that. IDC what people put in their bodies. This will slow down private drug dealers AND believe it or not: weed is where the money is (when dealing) and money = violence. I choose not to partake…personal choice. This the go 'ol USA. You should have the right to choose and suffer the consequences or reap the benefits. The gov should not get in the way of that, rather just clean up the mess of those who cannot handle their shit w/o hurting someone else.

    I am interested in seeing the long term effects of this (shit aint good for your lungs) and an overhaul of the OUI/DUI/DWI statutes to protect the motoring public from people who drive when high (on ANYTHING…other than life of course).

    Buyer beware: other states who have gone this route saw a whole lot of negative consequences despite the good intentions.

    Good luck Amherst. There is a going to be a lot of heated opinions on those topics you brought up Larry.


    That question is every bit as "ambiguous" as the Common Core question that the SJC threw out on Friday -- there is no justice so I don't know why people should expect either peace or civility...

  3. What were the negatives?

  4. OMG please tell me we are not going to have a Common Core debate here

    1. Kindly keep your second hand smoke away from me.

  5. Larry, see

    The individual's right to "grow, possess, & transfer", without any mention of regulation or taxation sorta preempts either.

    So why would anyone bother to either pay taxes or buy taxed pot from a dispensary?

    1. Ed, it says "All in limited amounts"

  6. This will pass. Funds will go to towns, not "war on drugs" padding or into the hands of criminal syndicates.
    Town should approve all 4 dispensaries. There is a need as a big boomer generation ages and aches and wants to live in quaint little towns with all the amenities located nearby.

  7. 7:48, in 1954, SCOTUS said that segregated schools would be eliminated "with all due speed" How'd that work out?

    So this will be a "limited" amount. 40 TONS is a limited amount, it's the maximum allowable weight on I-91. Whatever a C-5 can carry is a "limited" weight. And dealers, who have been dealing illegally for tears, are now going to limit their sales to this "limited" amount?

    They will undercut the price of the taxed dispensaries, who will not be making payments to Amherst because they will go out of business.

    And as to the edible candies, wanna bet they won't be given to children? There are people who think it cute to feed Ex-Lax tablets to Elephants, think they won't give "candy" to third graders? I imagine that child molesters would be able to exploit this as well.

    Just sayin....

  8. Let me guess-this is WHY sooo much of Amherst NEEDS and education-because they clearly don't have any-about the real cost and losses of victims of stoned/boozed hit & run car crashes,etc, and NO-this is NOT an accident-it's willful and malicious destruction of innocent human life-NOT THERES-doe's "No skin off the students apple" really equate with "Educated-responsible adult ? "

    1. Suddenly, no one gives a shit about their lungs.

  9. Larry, pot ain't good for you:
