Tuesday, May 24, 2016

There Goes The Beer Money

APD & AFD on scene West Cemetery yesterday for intoxicated mid-40s male

Amherst police arrested five homeless individuals -- Mark Jarrott, Angel Rivera, Matthew Roy, Paul Scace, and Troy Ward -- on Friday night behind the Jones Library on "open container" town bylaw violations.

 Mark Jarrott stands before Judge O'Grady

Click to enlarge/read

Now on any warm fall or spring semester weekend on the outskirts of UMass, it's not unusual for APD to make two or three times that number of arrests for the same infraction.  But kinda of a big difference between college aged youths and these gentlemen, who are pretty much repeat offenders. 

In Eastern Hampshire District Court on Monday all five had their charges converted from criminal to civil and were assessed the town's $300 bylaw fine fee.  They were, however, credited $90 for "time served," three days at the Hampshire County House of Correction.

Usual suspects at Strong House Historical Garden


  1. Gotta love the Obama economy...

  2. There will always be homeless people, mostly substance abuse, vets with PTSD, and other mentally ill. A few slackers. Homelessness has little to nothing to do with the economy, which is doing just fine for those who take responsibility for themselves. Plenty of opportunity out there for those who train for the future.

    On the other hand, able-bodied folks who cling bitterly to guns and religion are going to have a tough time with the new economy. Time to get with the program.

    1. You cling bitterly to liberalism. Lol. Get with the program. Every time I see a Bernie lawn sign I think of Argentina.

    2. Who's bitter? Gimme guns and religion any day!

    3. Oh. I forgot. The leader of the free world refered to about half of us as bitter. Right. He loves to criticize and lecture us. Because he knows best.

  3. It is sad that the town of Amherst spends all kinds of money to encourage the homeless to come to town, with their shelters and soup kitchens.( With which I disagree) And then, the APD arrests them over a open bottle of beer, to have the courts take what little money they have for court fees.. Plus, spend time in jail...

    Is a bottle of beer really worth $300? Sad that they take what little a homeless man might have for such a small infraction, and make him feel even worse than he already does.

    If you invite the homeless to town then give them a break...

    1. And buy them a beer.
      Get real, will ya'

  4. Used to enjoy visiting that garden with my kids. Now, I never know what awaits us there...visible drug deals? ...open drinking? Public urination? Seen it all.

    Dry out the shelter!

  5. Blue Moon? That's not the usual cheap stuff.

  6. The problem is that Amherst has one of the few "wet" shelters in Massachusetts, so alcoholics and drug users are coming here because they can stay addicted. They were even harassing other people in the shelter that became afraid to stay there. Now that the shelter is closed for the summer they are living on the streets.

  7. No, don't buy them a beer...close all the shelters if you can't deal with your liberal feel good ideas.. I voted against building the new homeless building in North Amherst knowing we would be inviting trouble into the neighborhood.

    Let's not punish the homeless because we have morons making bad decisions at town meeting.

  8. Are you FREAKIN' kidding me?!?!? I was just accosted by one downtown. There is not ONE bench for my family and I to enjoy an Amherst Ice Cream on. All the vagrants are camping out on them. So, I am no longer coming to Amherst with my family to spend my money. These vagrants KILLED Hamp and are now doing the same to Amherst...there will be beatings, stabbings, public defecation, arguments and the businesses will suffer. Badly.

  9. Getting arrested on a Friday night when one can't make the $40 bail necessitates spending over 50 hours in Hampshire County lockup where there are no bathing facilities and tiny breakfasts after long nights. It's an effective way to maximize the consequences of an arrest, but questionable when it comes to fair play, transparency, and fraud, waste, and abuse of public resources.

  10. Amherst has become a magnet for the homeless. The West cemetery, Emily's resting place, is where they can sleep, have a beer, and hang...so what do we want for our community? Where are the nimbis when you really need them?

    1. The homeless. Why can't people like that Just Stay Home?

  11. What part don't you understand?? The homeless didn't create the problem, the Liberal ideas of NoHo and Amherst brought on these problems.

    Arrest them all you want they aren't leaving...

    Sad to inform you but the homeless are here to stay and now someone needs to find away to deal with the mess town voters created.

  12. I'd like to hear more about this subject from Ralph. Does the wet shelter help or hurt? Are we enabling addicts? What can we do to truly assist people to live a productive, non using life? Can our shelter do more?
    I think people in long term recovery should have a larger voice in the role this town plays, instead of just listening to the clueless that think they are helping.

  13. Enabling addicts? Duh!

  14. Plenty of opportunity out there for those who train for the future.

    On the other hand, able-bodied folks who cling bitterly to guns and religion are going to have a tough time with the new economy. Time to get with the program

    Or time to start thinking about a second American Revolution....

    1. What does that mean "train for the future?" I can't wait until this president is gone. Don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out. And take all your Liberal PC bullshitters with you . TRUMP 2016

    2. I bet the ones who cling ( doubtful they're bitter) to guns will win.

  15. The "homeless".do commit crimes, do they not? What--we should just give 'em a pass?

  16. Can't stand Bernie. Loudmouth and narcissist exceeded only by Trump. I'm a Hillary guy! Tough, smart, and well informed.

    1. She lied to the families of the Benghazi dead. She refuses to disavow perjuring rapist Bill Clinton. She allowed our enemies the opportunity to hack into top secret docs. Oh she's great. TRUMP 2016 landslide.

  17. Tough, smart and totally corrupt.

  18. The beer money will be found, there went the rent money.

  19. Anonymous .May 24, 2016 at 3:12 PM is right.

    Homelessness in the 21st century has little to do with the economy. There are amply social services, job training, and entry level jobs for people able and willing to avail themselves of them.

    Alcohol and drug addiction is almost universal within the homeless community. Treat the homeless for their addiction jobs and the money for a home often follow. This is a fact.

    Unfortunately Amherst has chosen to take the easiest route out by allowing substance use in the shelters. Yes, this makes sure that everyone has the option to have a roof over the head. But it's a band-aid solution and does nothing to get to the root of the problem. As a result we have unruly people camping, littering, and fighting in all of the downtown green space.

  20. Actually, you lack real men (and women) with the courage to confront them like I did in 'Hamp one afternoon....

    Haven't been bothered since....
