Wednesday, May 25, 2016

The Shunning Continues

Black Scholars Rising Celebration

Last night's Black Scholars Rising celebration in the Amherst Regional Middle School auditorium was better attended than the most recent Town Meeting sessions held there as hundreds of friends, families, students, civic leaders and school officials came together to celebrate the miracle of education.

Notably absent, however, was a proud black single mother trying to do her best for a young daughter.

The stay away order issued against Aisha Hiza on March 15 is still in effect, although apparently some school officials were not overly concerned that she would turn into a ninja/zombie with an AK47.

Either way, Superintendent Maria Geryk didn't go out of her way to make Aisha comfortable ... and an opportunity for healing was lost.

"It's just one more thing," said Aisha.


  1. This is further proof of the hypocrisy of this administration.
    How dare they send this invitation to the Mom while all the while they've got this f'd up stay-away order against her!? Is her Black Scholar insignificant? Is her child's overall well being not of importance to the whole dang community? Okay--so while the woman at the helm--Maria G. has performed this illogical, unacceptable, racist act--Where is the community to shout out against this? Hullo???? You're all complicit with this? I don't get it. The letter from Colomb is such bs it is nothing short of astonishing--How people can get away with twisting reality is beyond belief. The "reasonable restorative process" Maria claims to be offering is a set up. The Mom may consider entering this process--but not until they lift the stay-away order. No where does anybody state that! This has become so lopsided it scares me. Not much left to do now but pray, that these (disturbed) powers that be--be no longer.

  2. All these emails prove is what a nut case this woman is. Take your issues to another school system and stop harassing ours and wasting everyone's time.

  3. It looks like from the email exchange they tried to make her feel very welcome.

  4. I don't get why you said she's shunned when she was invited and told it was ok. Is there something missing?

  5. What shunning? The email says she was welcome?

  6. I dissent.

    As someone who was accused of being a racist in jury selection as a prosecutor in a case that went to the SJC many years ago, I know how unfair these accusations can be. And nowadays the racist label gets thrown around a lot. Justice Lynch wrote a dissent in my case, for which I will always be grateful, to the opinion that said that he knew what I was doing in trying to pick an impartial jury, along with "this is what we expect prosecutors to do."

    Similarly, I believe that there are silent, fair-minded people who, although they may disagree with the Super on other matters, trust Ms. Geryk on making these judgement calls, regarding the safety of others. At the same time, we know that she absolutely cannot get into a public debate about it. This is what we expect school superintendents to do: protect children and others in our schools, and silently take the heat about it from the inevitable demagogues.

    Rich Morse

    1. Rich one more question parent A in trouble for angry emails..but never actually threatens a child or poses an actual danger..gets banned One parent directly threatens a 7 year old on school property didn't get banned. HOW IS THAT FAIR EQUITABLE OR the right thing to do for Aisha or the other child and her parents.

    2. Team Maria can't have it both ways. They are obviously trying to teach Ms Hiza a lesson. They don't believe she's dangerous or they wouldn't tell her she could come.

    3. Trust and believe if another parent threatened my daughter while being at the school there would be consequences for the parent and the school. Someone tell me this didnt actually happen.. Or if it did them someone needs to explain why this parent isnt banned.

  7. That's harassment -- Aisha ought to file a police report.

  8. I believe everyone in the district received the email invite (and multiple robo calls) to this event. My guess is that Ms Hiza might not have understood that, but nonetheless, it seems reasonable that she should double-check whether her attendance at the event would violate the 'stay away order' against her. Asking for written clarification (that could withstand the courts) directly from the person responsible for enforcing the order seems like a reasonable request.

    1. She received written clarification. She was not shunned. She is showing herself to be totally unreasonable.

    2. She asked for a certified letter that stated she could go. I would do the same thing so if I showed up I had a paper letter with me saying I was allowed to be there. She was being careful in a very unsafe situation. White people don't have to worry about such things. Maria Geryk doesn't go after them.

  9. Can you imagine the outrage if there was a White Scholars Rising event? Racist hypocrites abounding here.

  10. I think they have those pretty much every day.

  11. Actually they don't.

  12. anon@11:33: given the situation, I think it is wise and reasonable for Ms Hiza to ask Ms Geryk to provide her permission for attending. Otherwise, for all we know (and Ms Hiza) Ms Hall is unaware of the 'stay away' order and simply responding 'yes, you are welcome' without knowing all the background (and 'stay away' order). Why should Ms Hiza have to take on faith that Ms Hall has the 'authority' to override the legal 'stay away order' that is the responsibility of Ms Geryk, the sole arbitrator of the order.

    1. Ms Hall knew the.stay aeay order is place. Ms Hiza is asking for a direct ok from the SI. The person who placed the order. The hard part here which I think we are missing is that obviously the superintendent believe that Aisha is dangerous If she did she wouldn't have allowed Monica Hall to tell Aisha she could come. Maria obviously preferred Aisha not come just like the play .. She wouldnt send an email giving permission. Aisha want not going to risk being on school property with out the email from Maria.After what they have done to her she doesn't trust then she has neen banned without any specific information. If Maria thinks, she, is a danger she
      would have told MH to tell Aisha it was a mistake. This was another game am glad Aisha didn't fall for it.

  13. The soft bigotry of low expectations.

  14. " Why should Ms Hiza have to take on faith that Ms Hall has the 'authority' to override the legal 'stay away order' that is the responsibility of Ms Geryk, the sole arbitrator of the order."

    Larry, I think you should ask Chief Livingston that question, worded this way:

    "If a person banned by Geryk is given permission by Hall to be present, and Geryk then calls APD when person is present, do they arrest or not?"

    My suggestion to him would be damn clear ob that, NOW, because Team Maria may well drag them into a lawsuit.

  15. Ms.Hall's email says that the Superintendent is aware of the situation and that Aisha is still welcome. Ms. Hall absolutely did know of the situation. She works out of the administration central office. Her office is a few doors down from the Superintendent. Aisha is just being unreasonable. She wanted a gold plated invitation. This email exchange speaks volumes about why a stay away order was issued in the first place.

    1. A parentc has the right to be critical after over a year of asking for help and presenting actual no danger to anyone unlike the otherc parent who threatened a 7 year old directly and wasn't banned.. Honestly Maria is looking at a least two lawsuits and maybe 3..

  16. Anon 12:10 -- *I* do not believe that Ms. Hall could legally give Ms. Hiza permission to attend. Ms. Hiza was wise to request the authorization from Geryk.

    Larry, you really need to clarify this with Livingstone.

  17. Larry - This post was very incendiary and took the light away from a very successful celebration only to turn it into food for your blog. You are being very irresponsible and have minimized the positive opportunity for our students and community.

  18. Restorative Justice in Amherst School district is a joke. When Ms. Hiza's daughter was harassed many times, what was done to that bully? Restorative Justice, right? So the bully is protected through restorative justice, and feels safe and comfortable, and continues to harass Ms. Hiza's daughter, and other kids. After Maria Geryk banned Ms. Hiza from school property, and caused a public outcry, Maria Geryk's administration offered Ms. Hiza restorative justice remedy, and offered Ms. Hiza a back door entry into a school event, without formally, officially lift the ban. Restorative Justice in Amherst district school is just a political maneuver, to hide administration's utmost incompetence. So that discipline number will go down and Maria Geryk can go to Boston to show her power point presentation. It is all fake.

    Now "Black scholar rising" is just a another public stunt to keep black students in the Amherst school system, so they are not going to charter school, vocational schools, or choice out of district. When they are gone, it will be 20k a student, or 5k a student. The education money will follow the students out of the district. Even school committee members think about whether to move out of this school district.

    Black students, as well all students from all background, and their families need to think for themselves. Under this school administration, over the past couple of years, does the Amherst school district change for the better, or for the worst. Has the school curriculum been strengthened, or weakened? Has the school bully climate changed for the better, or for the worse? Does that have anything to do with this school administration's policy?

  19. anon 2:00 Don't you mean Pelham school district? And by the way, 50% of the students in Pelham are choice in students. In Amherst, there is often a waiting list of students who want to choice in to Amherst schools.

    Ms Hiza has demonstrated, now repeatedly, that she is not interested in resolving this issue.

    1. She wants it solved but she isn't going to enter a situation that is NOT in her,daughters, best interests. Maria is the one who broke the law that will be proven over time.. And with another pelham patent having their child verbally assaulted and threatened by a white parent and nothing being done about it I hope that these parents also think About suing.

    2. I think your guestimate of 50% is a bit high.

    3. According to the school budget pelham has about 50 school choice students definately not half of the school population. Rebecca C

  20. It is natural to react quickly (and emotionally) when situations like this invitation arrive.
    The key is to pause and let the emotions subside before responding.

  21. Larry, did you contest the stay away order you received from the District, in any way?

  22. Yes once Town Meeting was set to start (which meets in the Middle School). By then the disaster who had taken out the order was gone and, ironically enough, Maria lifted it immediately.

  23. No, I wouldn't go that far.

    But it is safe to say this entire episode has gone too far.

  24. Well said Rich Morse!

  25. Can't wait until the truth comes out about that mother and then you'll be eating crow Larry! I only wish she would give the okay to release the information! How obvious can this be to you? When you pick a side and decide to take up the torch on their behalf, you might want to make sure you have all of the details.

  26. "Yes once Town Meeting was set to start (which meets in the Middle School). By then the disaster who had taken out the order was gone and, ironically enough, Maria lifted it immediately."

    I'll give Maria credit for one thing -- she was bright enough to realize if she didn't, as a elected member, you'd have the ability to shut down TM & nullify all the votes, including her budget. That take at least 9months to sort out, and not a penny of the new FY $$ could go to her until then.

  27. Rich Morse, if you are an attorney, you must have heard of "disparate impact." Perhaps even of _Gregg v. Power Systems_.

    And Larry, you really need to get an answer from Livingston.

  28. How did they shun her? She decided not to go.

  29. To many are asserting...that Maria did nothing to curb bullying...then maybe a parent needs to put a little fear in these junior AL capones ..

    1. We,as the parents if pelham 1st talk regularly About what is happening with our children and actively teaching them how to handle these situations but we are divided now over this current issue.

  30. Larry is being so irresponsible in his "journalism" on this one. Also, inconsistent in his allegations against the administration. He railed against them for being overly attuned to potentially racist incidents in the Dylan/Steve Akalis case, yet in this instance is ready to pull the race card himself. Which is it, Larry? Is the current administration overly PC or racist in their adjudication of accusations that arise?

    Or, does the truth of the matter not really matter to you as long as your site meter is hopping? It appears that as long as you have a cooperating participant in the story, you are willing to take their side, regardless. A sad testament to your journalistic integrity. But then, that is kind of a laughable thought to begin with.

  31. Though the district sent emails & robocalls all the ARPS families about the event on Tuesday, tt looks to me as though Monica Hall's letter only went out to parents whose children would be receiving an award at the event..... "We cordially invite your scholar(s) and you to" the celebration & festivities.

    I think that Ms. Hiza is right to ask the administration for a clarification. Isn't the stay away still in effect, & if so wouldn't Ms. Hiza be violating the order by attending? It seems to me that she is just protecting herself in asking for a statement from the superintendent saying that it's okay for her to be there.

  32. Anon 9:43 - That email went to all families - we got one as well. And, if you had been there, you would have known that no individual scholars were recognized that night - the invitation never said individuals would receive awards. The email exchange with Hall was sufficient clarification; she just opted not to go. The term "shunning" does not apply, so stop the drama please.

    1. The shunning came from Maria not responding to a request for an email saying directly it was ok for Aisha to attend. Ifaria thought Aisha was dangerous the she c wouldn't have told Ms Hall Aisha could go. If Aisha is not dangerous then they stay away order should be lifted.

  33. Is the current administration overly PC or racist in their adjudication of accusations that arise?

    Neither, they are merely incompetent bullies who were stupid (not just wrong) both times.

    Akalis using "Master/Slave" in the context of an electrical control circuit is no different from a plumber referring to "Male" & "Female" pope fittings.

    OTOH, when you drive the only two Black kids out of your school, well how does that look.....

  34. Anon 11:04 am: My kid goes to ARPS & we never received that email from Monica Hall. We aren't a family of color. Maybe that's why.

    We did receive robocalls & a general email about the event from the district, but definitely not such a letter from Monica Hall.

  35. Kelley stop the drama? Surely, you jest. He is the drama queen.

  36. Does that mean I can pee in any public bathroom I please?

    1. As a matter of fact... Yes! Lol. You can deem yourself to be anything you like.

  37. "Does that mean I can pee in any public bathroom I please?"

    Yes, the _Goodridge_ Gay Marriage decision was based on the State ERA amendment and Marshall ruled that any distinction between male and female violates the MA Constitution.

  38. Ahhh...the great bathroom panic of 2016!

  39. Oh Hail Goddess Maria.. I Absolutely loved your disgusting power play tonight. Not only did you seal the deal on making yourself look completely selfish..You also succeeded in furthering the publics non confidence in toyr leadership ability. Im sure your manipulativeness will succeed in removing chair Trevor Baptiste of reg school committee right before your evaluation. Im sure ypu eill be successfulbat keeping Ms Hiza,banned through out the end of the school year.. But what price will youvpay for your stubborness..and your dictorial ways. Honestly you did not help yourself tonight.. You have succeeded to alienate me and before tonight I was on touryour side. YOU CANT JUST PUSH AND BULLY PEOPLE TO GET WHAT YOU WANT. No wonder there are so many bullying problems in our schools. Im embarrased to be a part of this district. Team Maria is imploding

  40. Gee I don't believe anon 9:45 was on Maria's side before this "incident". Maybe if you weren't so over the top...this is a very common tactic done very

    1. Yes you are correct I was being very sarcastic.

    2. I do apologize. It is very hard to type and edit on my flip phone.

  41. Anon 9:45 - Please learn how to spell and write if you want to be taken seriously!

  42. Little Miss Muffett needs to go.

  43. anyone know why Mike Morris did all presentations at TM this session? Ms Geryk has been there but left it to Mike to speak.

  44. Sckened - As another Pelham parent, I can safely say you do not nor have you been authorized to speak or represent parents or families or staff at Pelham.

    1. I was making a a positive observation that the parents are working hard to address these issues at home. I was not speaking for everyone or anyone..however my connect directly related to the anon who made the mafia comment making it seem like we werent teAching our children right from wrong

  45. It's unacceptable that people that do not live here and do not have children in Pelham or the ARPS are trying to drive out our superintendent. They are just raising the costs for us taxpayers, who will have to pay severance to the existing superintendent, will have to pay the costs of a new search, and will have to pay the even higher salary of the next superintendent that these busybodies will try to drive out for their own demented pleasure.

  46. Ms Hiza and her daughter are the victims of the restorative justice practice of Amherst/Pelham school district. Restorative Justice is a fad of political correctness. Restorative Justice is no justice. Administrators claim that the school district is finally political correct. In reality, nobody likes it.

  47. 9:19....I take offense to your use of "demented Pleasure " as the Mothers' motive. I am a person of color who grew up in the extremely white, privileged town of Pelham. I now live in Amherst, have a child in 4th grade at F.R. have sent two others from F.R. to the Middle school, and through the High school. I have thus far kept my opinions off of the internet, but your post really exposes you for how privileged you are. what sort of post would you have written if you started with a premise that the mother in this situation deserve dignity, respect, and due process for all charges made against her. Your post is all about your annoyance that this is going to "change" (financially ) your life in some way. You have every right to feel annoyed or inconvenienced or whatever, and i recognize you have that same right to post whatever you want. I find it disgusting though, that you would insinuate the mother derives not only pleasure, but demented pleasure no less. how mean do you have to be?

    1. Enough with the priviledge BS. I work 3 jobs to make ends meet.

  48. I join Ms. van Pelt in taking offense in 9:19's racist and masogynist sad and pathetic!

  49. "It's unacceptable that people that do not live here and do not have children in Pelham or the ARPS are trying to drive out our superintendent. They are just raising the costs for us taxpayers, who will have to pay severance to the existing superintendent, will have to pay the costs of a new search, and will have to pay the even higher salary of the next superintendent that these busybodies will try to drive out for their own demented pleasure."

    First, what percentage of the PES students are Choice? I hear half, and this ought to be a public record.

    Now if the PES were to advertise itself as a fascist gulag where bullies run wild, that would be one thing. But since it doesn't, the public has a legitimate truth in advertising complaint.

    Second, as to "us taxpayers", statewide, about half of K-12 money comes from the state. My guess is that the ARPS does far better than that because of the large number of low-income UM students skewing the statistics. Well, if you take state money, then the people of the state get to complain about how you spend our money.

    Third, remember when domestic violence & child abuse was seen as a "family matter"? When it was "unacceptable" for anyone to interfere with how a man treated his wife & kids.

    Please tell me that you don't support that.

    Now as to Little Miss Muffet being "driven out", I think she should have been fired long ago. Your issue should be with your SC members who negotiated such a lucrative contract with her. Mine sure is -- and with half of her severance being my money, I think the state should have a say in the terms of these contracts.

    A contract that says that even if you are fired for cause, you STILL get a six-figure buyout?!?!? Theoretically, Geryk could murder a bunch of children and STILL be entitled to the six-figure buyout....

    And as to the costs of a search and higher salary for the person replacing Little Miss Muffett, Nancy Reagan put it best: JUST SAY 'NO.' Run for SC, or get a like-minded person to do so, and form a coalition that believes in tight pursestrings.

    Notwithstanding that, there is nothing wrong with dragging Little Miss Muffet out into the sunlight, out into the disinfecting light of public scrutiny -- and demanding she either clean up her act or leave.

    One other thing, unless the various SCs object, she has the right to waive the buyout in exchange for being released from it.

  50. "anyone know why Mike Morris did all presentations at TM this session? Ms Geryk has been there but left it to Mike to speak."

    This is a standard UMass tactic -- it's a variant of classic "bad faith" negotiation where you are only able to deal with an underling.

  51. This is for Aisha and belong among the stars

  52. katrina,

    Just to clarify, no one is talking about you or this mother. We are talking about Ed, who does not even live in Massachusetts. He's just some weirdo that derives sadistic pleasure in trying to stir up trouble in our fair town.

  53. Give me what I want and I'll go away....

    Although Little Miss. Muffett's Tuffet is such a good example of everything that is wrong with K-12 education today.

    And as to residence, how many of you who protested Apartheid had ever even been to South Africa, let alone were then living there? Enough said?

  54. Ed, you don't want anything. You know, we know it. You are just a bitter man with an obsession.

  55. I am sure "dr" ed is available to replace maria...what else does he have to do?

  56. Remember, folks, that you can just click on Dr. Ed's name and his comment disappears. I have not interacted with him in any way for two years. I decided it's best not to feed the trolls.

    1. But you feel the necessity to expose us all to your criticism. Over and over again.

  57. Nooooo.....I love Dr ed!

  58. "I am sure "dr" ed is available to replace maria...what else does he have to do?"

    Ummm, replace a schmuck who is (somehow) actually worse than Miss Muffett, as hard as that may be to believe. And no, I really don't want the gig, but I am a believer in this "good government" stuff and, well....

    "Remember, folks, that you can just click on Dr. Ed's name and his comment disappears" -- but others can still read it, and somehow Nina, I think that's the issue...

    Oh, and Nina, I didn't see you on thre official "retired" list. Just sayin....

  59. What good has happened out of this situation? Who's benefiting? I haven't found one ray of light. Everyone is losing. The School,The Parents, The Students, The Principal,The Superintendent, The multiple upset families and their children,The Pelham and the Regional School Committee and The District. I do know as a parent it upsets me that multiple families are leaving Pelham School. It upsets me that a person in a position of power has no checks and balances, it upsets me that we have two families that are being treated terribly by the same person and this person's main recourse is to make them look crazy. I have tried hard to be in the middle to keep my towns best interest at heart. To help Aisha , to support Lisa and to counsel my 1st grade daughter who is greatly effected by what's happening in and out of the classroom. It doesn't take a genius to watch the school committee meetings and see the tactics being used. The letter to Trevor Baptiste was laying the ground work so he would have to abstain from the superintendent's evaluation process. Her trying to paint a relationship between the two families she is bullying because they are both black and both have children in first grade. If this was the first time Maria ran a smear campaign to discredit people that disagreed with her I would just continue my quiet support.
    Just remember the side I choose to be on is Pelham's side that means building and protecting our community. This means worrying about school choice, the effect this situation has on our school budget. Without school choice our taxes go up even higher. That means standing up for our children. That means rebuilding our community standing up for each other in the face of controversy. The superintendent doesn't have Pelham's best interest in mind. She proved that last night by trying to remove Trevor. She proved that when she didn't protect a child on the playground last week from a parent that truly deserves to be banned and isn't. I support Aisha as well, as a mom who has a child, I can't imagine what it is like to be permanently silenced from such a big part of my daughter's life. If my child wasn't allowed to call me when she was sick. I wasn't allowed to attend school functions to celebrate her successes. If I wasn't able to drop in to see whatever she was excited about that day. I know Aisha made mistakes but her punishment has not been equal to the crime and there is still no end in sight. I have one question if Maria truly believed Aisha was dangerous then Aisha wouldn't be allowed on school property period. For that reason, I don't think Maria believes Aisha poses a danger. I believe Maria is punishing her for having her own mind. I believe she is punishing Trevor and is punishing our town to protect herself. Maria has the most to lose. I don't see how any of her actions in the past 40 days have protected our children. Aisha has already lost. Her name has been smeared due to the lack of transparency and shattered trust. If someone threatened a child or a staff member, the proper correct course of action would be to have them arrested. If that simple step had happened 73 days ago the path would have been easier, but then again there would be no cloak of secrecy to hide behind. Aisha I'm proud you took the hard road much love and luck on your journey. We may not always 100% agree but I will always be there to tell you what I think. I am also a product of ARHS and was taught by the same teachers as you to stand up for what you believe in.

    1. More hogwash from someone who doesn't have a clue about what she is talking about. The inaccuracies in this post are too many to address individually. Suffice it to say it's hogwash.

    2. It's not hogwash but a very evenhanded interpretation of the situation. Maria Geryk's actions have been divisive and damaging to not only Aisha and her daughter, but to the community and the reputation of Amhersts schools

    3. This is not perception. This is someone who doesn't know what she is talking about. This is someone who doesn't understand how the SC works. Who doesn't understand SC policies and procedures. Perception may be reality for that person. But it's nonsense to the rest of us who take the time and effort to understand how the SC works.

    4. Im referring to the perception of how this situation was handled from the beginning. I UNDERSTAND THAT DUE TO STATE REGULATIONS the school committee had very little actual power other than evaluating the SI and hiring the asst Si and policy related issues.

  60. "Ed, you don't want anything. You know, we know it. You are just a bitter man with an obsession."

    How does one have an obsession without wanting something? Do these schmucks even know what the word means?

  61. I'm sorry, did you say something?May 27, 2016 at 11:14 PM

    "Oh, and Nina, I didn't see you on the official "retired" list. Just sayin...."

    Remember, folks, that you can just click on Nina's name and her comments disappear.

    -Squeaky Squeaks

    p.s. Buh-bye Ni-Ni. Buh bye.

  62. Anon 10:56, you touch on something that bothers me dearly, the ability of someone with a title to make her foes "look crazy." That has overtones of the worst of the French Revolution, and what people with titles need to remember is that those using the Guillotine very quickly became those upon whom it was used.

    I could agree to disagree with the ends Maria Geryk seeks -- and likely would support more than a few of them. It's her means to accomplish those ends that I have issues with....

  63. Hwe haven't heard from squeaky in a while. What's her (?) Deal?

  64. RKA45
    Your words are very fair and balanced, thank you for standing up for those enduring injustice and calling out those delivering it. Watching the video of mrs Baptiste was excruciating. Her pain is so evident, her pleas as yet unheard at the top.Maria Geryk is incompetent in doing her job. plain and simple. I've seen numerous principals at F.R. in my youngest daughters 5 years there, and yet another one for 5th grade, Yay.

  65. Will somebody just file the lawsuit already, let's put this baby to bed. Time to move on people.

  66. "Hwe haven't heard from squeaky in a while. What's her (?) Deal?"

    Your Pal,

    -Squeaky Squeaks

  67. Nina is indeed retired - guess your intensive research was not correct, Ed.

  68. Ed, your demands for "give me what I want" come from your profound insecurity that can never be assuaged. It is at the root of your overweening pomposity.

  69. Katrina, Thank you for standing behind Aisha and Raheli. Our oldest were in school together and road the bus in Kindergarten. It's funny how people get brought back into your life when you least expect it. I am sure we will run into each other as this situation continues to unfold.

  70. Trevor Gonna Go.

    1. Thats ok if Trevor goes. And the parent that treatened a child on PES school grounds goes unpunished it shows pattern proving Aisha's feelings and claim

  71. Nina does not appear on the list of those receiving a MA-K-12 pension, QED she is not "retired."

  72. In reading some of the comments on this blog, it amazes me that people are so sure of a story about which they know so little. It seems the individuals who post on this site are simply invested in bashing Maria Geryk. It really doesn't matter what she does or what others may say in opposition, clearly your minds are made up. Are any of you educational administrators in a public school? Cause if not, you have no idea what you're talking about. Is she a perfect superintendent? of course not, but she is very good and clearly dedicated to students.You all make her out to be some evil doer. It's a ridiculous notion. She is just trying to do her job. It's funny that this story is all about kids bullying other kids, because that's what adults do to other adults in this town all the time.

  73. Anon 4:23 you are much too sensible. ..

  74. White people don't have to worry about such things. Maria Geryk doesn't go after them.

    Except the Akalis'. She sure took it to them. And THEY didn't do anything wrong EITHER.

  75. Gee I wonder who is putting that check in my bank account each month if it's not from the Massachusetts Teachers' Retirement System. Just goes to show that people can think they know something when in fact they don't.

    Anyway, I don't see why it matters if I am retired or not and it's hardly the topic of this thread.

  76. I agree, Maria is just trying to do her job. But when you lose a whole community because of your decisions,the people of color in Amherst, how can you have any credibility? How do you move forward to show this school system is viable and inclusive?

    1. She hasnt only lost the black community. She also has lost respect with a lot of people who have seen this happen before as well. Many of us old timers in Pelham have been writing to the school committe and selectman because we are very unhappy with the way this was handled. We feel very bad for this mom and her child. We feel like this one decision is effecting our community profoundly.

  77. Wow, she lost all the people of color in Amherst? I didn't even know they made up one whole community in Amherst.

    I wonder if Trevor and Vira have lost any communities in Amherst recently. Those 4 ladies from Amherst, on the left at the last school board meeting, sure didn't seem to be wanting to be any part of their "community".

    1. As a member of the white community, I support the black community. As a member of the straight community, I support the gay community. Wherever it is.

  78. Did Amherst lose the community of color? Reminds me of a recent poll of native-Americans where 90 percent weren't upset about the redskins football name. I guess just activists and white folk cared?

  79. Who remembers last August when her sekf evaluation was posted and some of the sc then didnt agree with her self evaluation. Some thought her weakest area was managing conflict. I would say that was proven this year.

  80. "Are any of you educational administrators in a public school? Cause if not, you have no idea what you're talking about."

    Likewise, unless you are a married man, you have no right to speak about domestic violence.

    Hint, ummm......

  81. 50/145 is 35% -- not half, but that school would not be economically viable with only 13 children per grade, which it would have without choice -- and the number would likely drop from there, as the number of children in Pelham continues to drop.

    Assuming 50 is an accurate number, and do you trust Maria? She wouldn't be the first principal to publish inaccurate data...

  82. Ed, stop making trouble. You live in Maine. Surely, there is a school there you can meddle in.

  83. I caught Maria at my house stealing my recycling...this has gone over the top...but perversely fun !

  84. Does ed really live in maine?

  85. Replies
    1. Are you saying we folks across the nation may not participate in the amisement that is the People's Republic of Amherst?

    2. I meant 'amusement' of course. My God, the typing.
