Tuesday, May 24, 2016

See The Light

I'm going to have to start a "stupid criminal of the week" series.  Sean Dowers takes the time to dress up like a Ninja, uses burglary tools to neutralize a back door lock under cover of darkness, but then turns on the lights in a closed storefront business with lots of windows.

Click to enlarge/read
Sean Dowers, age 22, stands before Judge William O'Grady

In Eastern Hampshire District Court on Monday Dowers was assigned a public defender ($150 charge assessed) and had his case continued until next month. He was released on $250 bail taken out of the original $1,000 bail posted for his release.


  1. Yeah, but he was invisible!

  2. Romulan cloaking devices are pretty hard to come by.

  3. He may get 6 months in jail and learn from the pros.

  4. Hey Larry...Obummer says you can't say "criminal" any more. "Justce-involved" individuals.
    How much more ridiculous can you get? Stay tuned.

  5. There's more to this...

    "Newly installed alarm system"????

    Which apparently didn't trip???

    Employee & customer just happen to go for coffee together but neither realizes that they will have to come back for customer's car? (OK, maybe....)

    Something tells me that neither of the witnesses were really surprised at what they saw nor who they saw doing it....

  6. I say good job APD...

  7. ...and the ninja drove an Intrigue...
