Sunday, May 22, 2016

Soaring Sunday

Design Building

As much as I'd love to show aerial shots of construction projects going up in the downtown by private sector taxpaying entities, I can't shoot what doesn't exist.

 Crotty Hall

But there's plenty of construction going on at our favorite institutes of higher education, with UMass in the lead by a l-o-n-g shot.  Of course they are also a lot bigger by a long shot than Amherst or Hampshire Colleges.

 Ye Old Chapel
 UMass South College
UMass Science Building
 Amherst College Greenway Dorms
Hitchcock Center Living Building.  On Hampshire College property


  1. "As much as I'd love to show aerial shots of construction projects going up in the downtown by private sector taxpaying entities, I can't shoot what doesn't exist."

    The Carriage Shops' replacement is starting right after the demolition finishes, and there will be a new building across from there an about a year, when they wait out the Historic Commission. so all is not lost.

  2. Just because you can, does not mean you should.

    Your drone shots are almost as cool as they are creepy.

  3. Larry, two words: Burlington College.

    It is no more because of debt. Lots of folk are starting to say the same thing that folks were sating about Burlington 15 years ago.

    Its all fine & good that UM is spending lots of money to build, but they won't get the alumni dollars in future years, and how much more are parents going to pay???

  4. The Boston Globe and the Pioneer Institute have come out against UMass' capital spending. Gee, no agenda in either of those places. Give it up Ed.

  5. Burlington College was private college not part of the state's land grant colleges. It has absolutely nothing to do with UMass building 21st century facilities.

  6. Reality 101 -- A UMass BA will no longer land Junior a job. Hence, well....
