Thursday, February 25, 2016

Regional School Expansion Showdown

Amherst, Pelham, Leverett and Shutesbury make up the Region

After almost four years of behind the scenes discussion that included two sub-committees made up representative from the four towns the Amherst Regional School Committee will vote tonight on expanding the current 7-12 Region (middle and high school) all the way down to pre-K through 6th grade.

And even though Amherst provides over 80% of the students -- and funding -- the five member Amherst School Committee only has 55.5% say in the nine member Regional School Committee.

The agenda only shows 20 minutes for the discussion vote (7:40 PM - 8:00 PM) so it's probably already a done deal.


  1. please, just make it go away already. Its a stupid idea for everyone....especially now with the possible reconfiguration of Amherst elementary schools it makes even less sense (in terms of alignment).

  2. how many things can this administration push through that almost no one supports?

  3. I hope that folks understand the voting rights aspect of this....
