Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Extravaganja Lives

Extravaganja 2015 Amherst Town Common

So Northampton, our sister city to the west, will welcome the 25th annual pot rally at the 3 County Fairgrounds April 30th.

Amherst bounced the mellow revelers from the town common due to the size of the crowd they attract, estimated in the range of 6,000.

Interestingly enough the 3 County Fair committee voted in favor of the rental agreement on Monday night around the same time the Amherst Select Board voted to support a 2nd medical marijuana dispensary on University Drive.

Average Amherst citizenry will certainly not miss the traffic congestion the event always created, but I'm sure starving downtown businesses will miss the thousands of hungry customers.


  1. And since all of the places to eat in Amherst are now vacant, where would all the drug addicts get their munchies from? Their better off in the mud fields of the Three County Fair.

  2. Did you hear was the sound of another $250,000 going down route 9....per year....eventually it can just be 4 lanes going West....

    Amherst...where only the economy is silent.

  3. If I was a restaurant owner I'd be upset. I'm surprised the Chamber of Commerce let this happen.

  4. ridiculous. Killing the already fragile economy of Amherst.
