Wednesday, January 13, 2016

College Town Moving On Up

Amherst has a commercial tax base under 10%

I usually hate those puff piece Internet listicles placing Amherst in the top ten for this that or the other, oftentimes made up category.  But BusinessWest is a different story altogether.  A legitimate insider bible of the industry, and their industry is of course "business."

Way to go, oh hometown of mine.

Partnerships Spur Development in Amherst
click link above to read article
Kendrick Place dominates the north end of downtown (at least until One East Pleasant is built)


  1. Great article! Shows how Amherst has a lot to offer businesses and people that live here. Bravo! Glad to see that the BID is working on fiberoptics for internet. Very forward looking.

  2. Amherst third largest employer -- Delivery Express?

  3. Note the shadow it casts?

  4. OMG a SHADOW!!! I predict that the cooling effect will cause a cloud of smug to be emitted over ARMS in May...

  5. I'd be pissed about that shadow if I were those businesses across the street. Hopefully any increase in business those apartments give them is worth it. Abrasive building though. Looks like it belongs on campus, not in town.
