Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Another Unattended Death

UPDATE: Thursday afternoon

The District Attorney's office has identified the deceased as Amherst resident Adam Gamble, age 32.  The case remains under investigation.  Gamble has a previous arrest record with APD.


The District Attorney's office has confirmed Amherst Police, AFD and the Massachusetts State Police attached to the DA's office responded to Bertucci's yesterday for an unattended death.

According to DA spokesperson Mary Carey, "The death appears non-suspicious, and non-criminal in nature and the investigation is ongoing."

I asked if a drug overdose would still qualify as "non-suspicious and non-criminal in nature," and she said "yes."

The Amherst Town Clerk recorded 217 total deaths in 2015 and so far this year, 9 (not counting this most recent one).


  1. 217 deaths? We've got to stop this. I'm a grandparent and it may get me one of these days.

  2. May have been an employee

  3. It was NOT an employee!!!!

  4. Larry, is that number right? 217? Even Springfield hasn't had that many.

  5. That number 217 is for all deaths, not just unattended or drug OD deaths.

    Hard to say exactly how many OD deaths we've had since nobody wants to talk about it.

  6. 217 deaths? You do know that people die, don't you?

  7. If possession of Heroin is criminal, why isn't an OD?

  8. Do you know this was an OD? Sometimes people die of natural causes, such as a heart attack, embolism, etc. even at young ages.

  9. No I don't know, because officials refuse to comment.

    My (protected) sources however ...

  10. So do you know or not? If you don't know anything than this whole thing is stirring up a pot for nothing. Which is it?

  11. A reader. Stop changing the subject.

  12. Don't pretend you have information when you don't. And if you don't, than your post is alarmist when it lacks any factual basis. 217 people died in Amherst last year!!! Yeah, so what. People die every year. People are also born. Not exactly newsworthy.

  13. When you die I promise not to cover it.

  14. Larry Kelley I heard a squirrel was run over by a car, you might want to blog about that.

  15. Ralph Reed may have a point, but not the one he makes -- if the morbidity increase resembles that of the USSR's collapse, perhaps it is because this country is also collapsing. I heard Newt Gingrich recently state that this country is splitting like it did in the 1960's, and it is going to get a lot worse before abating.

    There are lot of pissed-off white men who realize that we are less equal than others & are tired of being told we must ride in the back of the bus. Yes, The Short Lobster Company is successful, yes there are lots of white men who aren't drug-addicted "white trash" (IMHO, a racial slur), but it doesn't meas we aren't pissed off.

    America circa 2016 is chillingly similar to Germany circa 1930 -- The Weimar Republic...

    Germany was paying reparations to the French (whom they saw as a different race of people, non-Aryans with a vastly different language) while we are paying reparations in the form of social services & welfare that is bankrupting this country. Much as we are funding out reparations by borrowing from China, Germany was borrowing from the USA, much as the American speculative bubble exploded in October of 1929, the Chinese speculative bubble has exploded (the ChiComs are just covering it up) -- and our ability to borrow will dry up too.

    We could easily have an American Holocaust -- all of the due process, equal protection and natural law stuff that would prevent it were destroyed by the left as a means to accomplish social engineering goals, likewise the Jewish-Christian morality upon which this country was built, which was more than just Leviticus 18:22 -- it's also "love thy neighbor" and "thou shalt not kill."

    What minorities (racial, sexual, etc.) need to understand is the meaning of the word "minority", as in "less than 'majority'." The 'tyranny of the majority' is a terrifying thing, and without the Natural Law protection of "Life, Liberty, & Property" seen as God-given individual rights, well....
