Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Fuel To The Fire

Bernie Sanders attracted overflow crowd to UMass FAC on January 2nd

For those of you who were wondering if UMass, a public institution, gives special favors to hot trending presidential candidates I offer the following:

And there certainly is some wiggle room when it comes to "Public Safety Officer."  Although it might have been a stretch to say all those officers were routinely needed to ensure student safety when the event occurred during intersession.

About the only thing you worry about from a public safety standpoint with popular speakers coming to campus is the disruption factor.  Although at UMass it's a lot more noticeable with conservative speakers than those who lean left.

In this particular case the lone Trump supporter who was escorted from his seat close to the front of the stage at the Fine Arts Center did Bernie Sanders a favor.   

Trump supporter Mike Rooney

Media coverage, although the larger outlets did seem to focus on that particular snippet, was a lot more extensive than it normally would have been.

Perhaps the Sanders campaign should hire Mr. Rooney to show up at all Bernie's campaign stops from now on.

Click photo to enlarge
Line stretched from Fine Arts Center all the way down to the Newman Center


  1. Good to hear there were no favors given. The invoice seems very reasonable. Any reason to think Bernie's campaign won't pay it?

  2. Donald Trump made an interesting comment at his stop in Bernie Sanders home turf. He noted that every time you see a clip from a campaign stop, it never shows the room and the crowds who attend. The media likes to focus on the disruptions and that is the only way you ever get to see how large the crowd are at these events adding that people should disrupt more so America can see the rooms these events are held in.

  3. That's a weird way to encourage disruptions.

    Although I agree it would have been interesting if Mr. Trump had scheduled a competing rally at the Mullins Center (which holds three times as many as the FAC) to see the comparison.

    This being Amherst, I'm not so sure The Donald would have sold out the venue.

  4. Sanders says he's a socialist, or democratic socialist (whatever that is.). That is wrong. He's a Marxist. And has no chance of winning the presidency. Even given the leftist bent of Amherst.

  5. If we're electing a president based on rally crowd size, no contest. Trump wins hands down. It may be interesting to contemplate Sanders v. Trump in Amherst, true. But nationally, again-- no contest. Trump 2016.

  6. Pretty safe bet he will win Amherst.

    Amherst supported Jesse Jackson over Mike Dukakis in the 1988 Presidential campaign.

  7. No piano tuning was needed?

  8. Lol. Was there anyone hired to play the unmaintained instrument? Sounds like an exciting rally. And afterwards, Bernie and his wife retired to their crumbling hovel to share a 40-year old tin of Soviet sardines.

  9. Vote Sanders! Who wouldn't want a 90%tax rate?

  10. Dems are all done. It's been a lovely 7 years. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

  11. Do not vote for this commie.

  12. He's not a commie! He's a democratic Marxist! Lol

  13. Sanders over Clinton any day. Trump over Sanders. Also any day. Bloomberg if you need a nanny.
    TRUMP 2016

  14. Sanders: no chance.
