Sunday, April 12, 2015

Sad Sunday

APD and AFD on scene assisting victim

The bustle of downtown Amherst on the most beautiful day of the year came to a brief horrific pause a little before 2:00 PM as two pedestrians were injured (one more seriously than the other) by a car in the Main Street Lot that jumped the granite curb and pinned the young women against one of  the recently installed cedar tree boxes.

Offending vehicle was using a handicapped space

Both victims were transported in separate ambulances by Amherst Fire Department and an ambulance from Northampton had to be called to assess the elderly female driver who was shaken up by the incident and transported by police to APD headquarters.

 AFD was overtaxed by the incident.  NFD ambulance arrived via "mutual aid"

The driver signed a "patient refusal" and was not transported by NFD to the hospital.

 APD investigating prior to Mass State Police arrival

Mass State Police accident reconstruction team was on scene for almost two hours and the vehicle was towed from the scene with a police escort a little before 5:00 PM

 State Police accident reconstruction team on scene


  1. From the pictures it looks like a bad/ confusing area- The sign marking the handicapped spot is too far from the curb and the tree planter is too close to the handicapped sign.
    The students happened by the area at the wrong moment.
    My thoughts are with them as well as the driver

  2. Just think, if the town hadn't wasted money on those boxes, there would have been nothing to get pinned against.

  3. Old people should not be allowed to drive, plain and simple. Look at that old kook who ran down the bicyclist on Univ. Ave (think that's where it was) AND KEPT DRIVING.

  4. Mass. should require all drivers who have handicap permits to under go testing before renewal of driving licenses.

    We preach public safety daily, lets enforce it daily.

  5. Why is the driver not identified?

  6. Because no citations have yet been issued.

    The driver who hit and killed Hannah Frilot on North East Street last summer was identified only last week.

  7. Old people should not be allowed to drive, plain and simple. Look at that old kook who ran down the bicyclist on Univ. Ave (think that's where it was) AND KEPT DRIVING.

    But, she felt bad about it later so she wasn't charged.

  8. "if the town hadn't wasted money on those boxes, there would have been nothing to get pinned against?" The faulty logic behind this statement is truly disappointing. Does this mean that we shouldn't install light posts in the first place because someone might wrap their cars around them? Or maybe we should get rid of jersey barriers because they're an accident waiting to happen.

    "Old people should not be allowed to drive, plain and simple?"
    Great. So then, what is the cutoff age for 'old'? 50? 60? 70? When did we become a country that strips people of their dignity and freedoms?

  9. At what age are we not willing to put someone in prison for vehicular homicide?

  10. I guess that is why they are called accidents...
    Enought stupidity said, move along, move along.

  11. "Great. So then, what is the cutoff age for 'old'? 50? 60? 70? When did we become a country that strips people of their dignity and freedoms?"

    The cutoff age is when they stop passing the eye exam, or more rigorous exams. Look, we're not here to persecute the elderly, but we are here to safeguard our citizens, and themselves! Have you ever seen one of these people take a test? The RMV always pretty much gives 'em a pass, "oh, close enough, that E does pretty much look like a B."

  12. If someone can't pass the eye exam they need new glasses or glasses period. You don't take their license away.
    I'm 30 and I can't tell what letter the big E is. Unless I have my glasses on.
    The stupidity on this blog is simply amazing. Being able to see the letters on the eye chart is not necessarily associated with old age.

  13. That's not what I'm saying, Mr. Selective Reader. I mention other "rigorous exams," like a road test, or some kind of exam to test reaction time. And also, it would help if the RMV weren't so lax with these high-risk drivers.

    Boy, the stupidity on this blog is simply amazing.

    1. Yes. And let it begin with you...

  14. This is just like the discourse on MassLive but with multisyllable words. What fun!

  15. LOL @ the first post. a confusing area? maybe for an inbred
