Monday, April 13, 2015

Party House of the Weekend

20 Allen Street

The first really nice weekend of the year after such a miserable winter is bound to bring out the most hardy of the party boys.  Around midnight Friday one of the usual suspect streets -- Allen Street -- produced a BIG winner.  20 Allen Street to be exact.

Party goers flooded onto Phillips Street after police broke up the party after midnight

After clearing the house of over 200 "guests" APD arrested seven residents for both Noise and Nuisance bylaw violations or other alcohol related charges:  Curtis Anderson (19), Luke Dowley (22), Devon Farrell (20), Nicholas Defusco (21) Gabriel Follettie (21), Timothy Orton (20) and Anthony Spano (19).

 Click to enlarge/read

In addition to five physical arrests APD also issued 3 summons arrests for liquor law violations

All the offenders took the standard "diversion" plea deal offered by the Commonwealth.  Pay one of the $300 tickets plus $100  in Court costs and stay out of trouble for the next four months.
Curtis Anderson
Devon Farrell
Luke Dowley
Nick Fusco
Gabriel Follettie
Timothy Orton


  1. Wow they're all wearing suits. I've talked to a few of these kids on my walks. Sober they are nice kids.

  2. Why did Patrick Durocher rape case get broomed by the DA? Follow up please.

  3. Motion to Dismiss and Mption to Supress will be heard 5/20 and pre trial hearing the following week.

  4. Seems as though this case is being treated differently than most rape connected? They have delayed justice for the witnesses and victim.
