Saturday, April 11, 2015

Dash & Dine For A Good Cause

And they're off!

One of the nice things about playing host to 30,000 college aged youth is most of them are relatively healthy, so a fitness event that combines a charitable cause with award winning food is bound to be a winner.

The 6th annual UMass Dash & Dine to benefit the Amherst Survival Center is just such an event.

And with the comparatively nice weather this morning the benefit attracted a h-u-g-e throng to the Southwest area starting point.


Next Up:

Daffodil Fun Run to benefit Big Brothers Big Sisters


  1. It wasn't only students running - some of us faculty were there too! Does anyone know where the official results will be posted? My one complaint about the event is that those of us who registered online received very little info about logistics, results, etc. But it was a fun run, despite the wind.

  2. To answer my own question, thanks to DuckDuckGo I found the results here:

  3. It's great they do this to make up for the misuse of public funding and lack of private donations for good causes.

  4. You know you are in Amherst when, even good causes get slammed. I will give props for the blogger for reporting on this event. The few negative shut ins should be ashamed for criticizing. But they won't be-too busy critiquing others.

  5. Fantastic!

    This is the vast majority of UMass students (and faculty who also get a bad rap because of a few bad apples).

    Thanks Larry Kelley for publicizing this.
