Monday, September 23, 2013

Awash in ETOH

AFD loading up drunk Amherst College student

This Amherst Fire Department weekend run report is beyond the pale:

In spite of having five ambulances staffed -- two of them courtesy of UMass -- and the recent certification for Engine 1 to perform emergency medical responses we still had to rely on mutual aid via Northampton FD for an emergency call at Hampshire College (2:13 AM) for, naturally, an ETOH female.

And yes, I realize ETOH is only one small step away from death and therefore are a legitimate "emergency" that requires the highly trained services of Amherst Fire Department.

But there's still a B-I-G difference between somebody who voluntarily drinks themself to a point beyond oblivion and someone else who has a car accident or attack of appendicitis through no fault of their own.

This over indulgance in alcohol is sickening -- on a number of levels!  

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