Tuesday, September 24, 2013

DUI Dishonor Roll

 In Massachusetts, driving fatalities for those under 21 rose 7.1% in 2011

Unfortunately things -- at least all thing things concerning alcohol -- returned to "normal" over the weekend with a high volume of AFD transports to the Cooley Dickinson Hospital for ETOH and three APD arrests for drunk driving.

Scary thing is in two of these cases the perps (Katelyn Pascale, age 21 and Colin Hurd, age 22) drew police attention by crashing their vehicles, and in both instances the mishap areas were active party house scenes with a decent volume of foot traffic within close proximity.



For Phaly Lach , age 49, a second offense.  Three strikes and you're out.


  1. No comments on your past three posts, LK. I'm starting to feel bad for you. Here's one for ya'.

  2. You should see the ones I don't publish.

  3. I wish you would publish a 2nd archive of THOSE. You'd get even more views, I'm sure of it.
