Monday, September 23, 2013

Party House of the Weekend

 196 Triangle Street, Amherst

Another usual suspect in the ongoing battle against rowdy behavior.  No not this particular house,  but the management company who owns and, err, manages it:  Eagle Crest Property Management, conveniently located at 55 North Pleasant Street above Stackers, a downtown bar. 

Early Sunday morning (1:13 AM) a noise complaint brought police to 196 Triangle Street one of the oldest streets in Amherst, thus making it one of the town's oldest neighborhoods (as in predating the existence of UMass/Amherst).

Notice that both apartments were engaged in rowdy behavior.  Gotta wonder how selective Eagle Crest is with their tenants. 

Maybe the $1,200 in fines will dissuade the bad boys in apartment #1 from becoming repeat offenders.  Maybe.

1 comment:

  1. $1,200 in fines oughta offset the extra four guys on the shift, I'd think...
