Monday, April 29, 2013

(Repeat) Party House of the Weekend

 1190 North Pleasant Street, Saturday afternoon

With the official inauguration of UMass Chancellor Kumble Subbaswamy, SoccerFest, Amherst's Sustainability Festival, events at Amherst College and the Ice Stars for Warriors event at the Mullins Center, our quaint little college town was in overdrive this past weekend.

As was revelry of the obnoxious kind. 

APD heading toward N Amherst bus stop for throng of students acting up

APD swoops in to suggest students get off the roof of former Watroba's

In all, Amherst Police made 38 arrests!  All but two for rowdy activity fueled by alcohol:  13 for noise  at numerous party houses, 13 for open container or underage drinking, 7 for "disorderly conduct" and one for DUI.

First up, the Bad Boys at  62 Summer Street -- all six of them!  

Arrested for noise violations Saturday night around 11:00 PM:

220 North East St, Amherst

Next up, and about an hour later  (midnight Saturday) but in another part of town, 220 North East Street:
owned, naturally, by an LLC


Late Friday night into early Saturday morning Towne House Apartments --  #87 in particular -- was once again the scene of a large enough party to attract a police response. And four arrests:
Alpha Tau Gamma, 118 Sunset Avenue
And of course what would a rowdy weekend be without some assist from a Frat: Alpha Tau Gamma, where an outdoor party was warned by APD Saturday at 1:00 PM and again at 5:00 PM.   Still, in the early morning hours of Sunday, one overly combative Jacob Scott Dennis, 15 Aztec Way, Sharon, MA, age 22, was arrested for Disorderly Conduct, Resisting Arrest and Simple Assault. 

The Hobart Hoedown failed to materialize (stationing a cruiser at the entrance to the complex helps) but an altercation did occur at 51 Hobart Lane 2:30 AM Sunday morning with police arresting perps for Disorderly Conduct:

Dominick M Ferrante, 88 Old Greenfield Road, Shelburne Falls, MA, age 21 and Tyson Dowdy, 4 Chapman, Greenfield, Ma, age 23

Once again a ubiquitous police presence -- UMPD, APD and State PD -- managed to keep a lid on any major disturbances, although if you are a neighbor to any of these cited party locations, not much consolation.

State Police K9 unit responds to disturbance near Old Towne Tavern


  1. Another spring weekend in a sleepy college town. Boy was college fun.

  2. Learned that in college :)

  3. You have to be the biggest dweeb in all of Fagville. I know you can see this, and you'll probably delete it, but I just want you to know that you can go suck a fat one.

  4. I say this again -- there are serous Constitutional questions involved in arresting people for an offense which itself has no jail time.

    Sooner or later, someone is going to raise this -- and unfortunately, it likely will be the individual officers being personally liable.

  5. I am going to say this: While small-town Amherst was complaining about noise, Boston University is burying a student.

    They almost lost a firefighter too -- guy fell through a floor but got rescued.

  6. Larry, don't you love it when they make your case for you? But why does he want you to smoke a cigar? Richard Marsh.

  7. Yeah, I actually have other CANs accuse me of making that up.

  8. Too bad the Town of Amherst would dry up and blow away without the $$$ from these folks; if only they'd just mail us a check and stay home in EMass. BTW I was in Burlington, VT near UVM this weekend & the college crowd there seemed a whole lot more wholesome than the Massholes here in Happy Valley

  9. Were the people at 1190 N. Pleasant causing any trouble, or did they just make a nice picture?

  10. Dropping junk off the top of the roof onto pedestrians below.

    About a minute after I took this photo a swarm of police arrived and talked them into getting off the roof.

    But yes, they did make a nice picture (I like daylight).

  11. I call Larry a lier right here. He says the cops "pulled up shortly later and talked them off the roof." Id like to see this in a police report or some proof this actually happened. If we dont see any proof we can all assume it never happened.

  12. Now this is where a landlord comes in. Various tenants have been hanging on that roof at 1190 North Pleasant for years. When is the landlord going to let tenants know that in no way is it permitted, safe, good for the roof, or something they are going to tolerate? If the insurance company knew they were doing this, they wouldn't have insurance. That is if they even do have insurance. Very simply, you go on the roof and you get thrown out. A dozen kids in line ot rent behind you.

  13. So I added a new picture (3rd one down) that shows a number of police just after they moved the kids off the roof.

    And the two officers in the second photo down (with Black Walnut Inn clearly in the background) were also involved.

    As were two bike cops.

  14. Just because you have pictures of cops in the area shows nothing of the cops talking to these students to get off the roof. Your evidence is circumstantial and quite frankly I dont believe you. Some of the reporting you do is good but this is just awful and something that just isnt there

  15. Well you have an eyewitness report: me.

    And in the American system of justice it only takes one (good) eyewitness to convict someone of a capital crime, and have them sentenced to death.

  16. And now I have just added under the picture of "cops in the area" the official notation from the police logs showing a "warning issued" to 1190 North Pleasant Street at exactly 5:17 PM.

    And other questions, CAN?

  17. Townhouse Apts is the new Hobart Lane (and more difficult to block all access)
    BTW- The mailbox on the edge of Townhouse Apts really should be relocated - Looks like it takes a beating each weekend (tipping attempts)- I'm sure mail gets damage as well

  18. These partyers are such a pox on UMass Amherst's name. Most of the student body doesn't participate in this stuff. Keep exposing these jerks for what they are Larry. Thank you!

  19. Amherst Cops arrest people for things that are not constitutionally legal, I agree with the Dr. Someone should make the students aware that their consitiutional rights are being violated and start writing complaints to the ACLU and the AG Office about the APD.

  20. I believe UMass has a Student Legal Services Office that would represent students for free.

    Hard to imagine something illegal has been going on all these years now.

  21. Cops don't do illegal things.

  22. It is what it is.

    (Safe to say you are not graduating next week.)

  23. I believe UMass has a Student Legal Services Office that would represent students for free.

    No it doesn't.

    It is not allowed to represent students in anything involving any subdivision of the Commonwealth (i.e. Amherst).

    Facts matter -- and Larry, this one you ought not have missed....

  24. Twenty five years ago after my apartment fire I used Student Legal Services to steer me to a good lawyer who successfully handled my case.

    I'm sure today Mr. DiMare would be happy to recommend a good lawyer who would take a student's case of grievous violation of their rights.
