Tuesday, April 30, 2013

DUI Dishonor Roll

 36% of all traffic deaths in Massachusetts are DUI-related 

Lucky thing you were not using the crosswalk on E Pleasant Street early Saturday morning or you may have run into Cecilia Jean Jensen -- or, more likely, she could have run into you.


  1. you should just call this dont get faded and drive or dumb@ss of the week

  2. kelley , you are a pervert.......you took that picture of ms. jenson from the web site of umass athletics....your one step up from a stalker....you must like in a glass house....very thinly paned...please post this

  3. Oh, I'm sure if a photo must be published (and it must) folks would probably want to have a glossy, staged PR picture used rather than a late night mug shot.

    I put in a Public Document request with the Chief at 2:02 PM yesterday for her booking photo, but have not heard back (that usually means "No").

    But if it is supplied, I will be more than happy to switch them out.

    I'm surprised you did not notice the spelling of her surname is different from the police report.

    But either spelling turns up nothing using the official Umass People Finder.

    The UM athletic site, however, gives her hometown and, surprisingly, date of birth, which does match up with the APD police arrest log.

    If you do not want a public photo to appear on this site, then avoid being arrested.

  4. No one's more self righteous than an ex-drunk.

  5. My distaste for drunk drivers started even before I was an ex-drunk.

  6. and when did the self-righteousness start?

  7. once a drunk always a drunk called recovery...so larry have some empathy...unless you can admit when you drank you never drove...and if you were ever arrested pit your mug shot up.......

  8. Never drove drunk and never was arrested.

    When I served on the Amherst Redevelopment Authority I had to pass an extensive background check done by State PD.

    And when I adopted from China they wanted an even more extensive background check.

    Plus, you know damn well a few people would have used that by now if I ever had been arrested -- for anything.

  9. Did you have a chauffeur or something?

    Ever drive "buzzed"? What about after just a couple?

    If not, you will certainly be the first ex-drunk I've encountered in my long life that can say that.

  10. larry is perfect...he will be the first to tell you

  11. Glad you noticed. Obviously why you come here so often.

  12. I've never been arrested either, so that proves I've never driven drunk.

  13. Well at least not the 80 times on average before getting caught.

  14. The best way to avoid your name and picture being posted here is to not drink and drive ...

  15. Yeah, and don't become superintendent or town manager or volunteer for School Committee or hold a sign downtown that says PEACE, either...

  16. the spelling of her surname is different from the police report.

    The UM athletic site, however, gives her hometown and, surprisingly, date of birth, which does match up with the APD police arrest log

    Assuming that you have the right person -- and I would make sure of that -- this is a very interesting question. Which is accurate -- do we have more here than just OUI?

  17. Keep up the good work Larry. Like the previous poster said, if you don't want your info posted on here, don't be stupid and drive drunk. she could have killed someone.

  18. If this girl is on a UMass sports team, she should be bumped off. What an embarassment to the team and the school.

  19. For what it's worth, when I started reading this blog I was a college student in town and thought you were being a cheapshot taking grumpy townie. Live and let live, right?

    I've lived here now for ten years and have come around completely; Larry is, at heart, a reporter holding people responsible for their actions - that's something college students need.

    You don't get a free pass for four years to do whatever you want without consequence. Especially when what you do puts other people at danger. Consider shame a useful reality check and a necessary lesson.

  20. It is the same person. Not another BS Dr Ed conspiracy theory.

  21. But surely there is still someone Ed can sue?

  22. Mr. Kelley
    When you were previously on Town Meeting you always came with alcohol on your breath. Most people would comment on "he's dunk again". Are you saying you walked or were driven there, or did you drive yourself. Please post this question, and be a man and answer it.
    And BTW, no shame in admitting you had a problem, might have made a mistake and have overcome it. That is a true person, a person who gains respect from others. I hope you will answer and not hide this comment.

  23. It is the same person. Not another BS Dr Ed conspiracy theory.

    Forgive me, but I actually like to check facts and make sure they are right....

  24. Why wouldn't you post what was written about you smelling of alcohol at town meeting? what a hypocrite!!! and a wimp

  25. Actually CAN, my problem with alcohol started in the last year of my business's death spiral when I was no longer in Town Meeting.

    I never taught a karate or spin class or attended an ARA meeting while under the influence, and NEVER drove drunk.

    But thanks for your concern.

  26. a rare cat indeed.

  27. Well, Larry does have the correct person. There's nothing wrong with spreading her name and arrest record all around the internet.

    HOWEVER, Larry must have missed the class on copyright law in his journalism studies. It is a violation of copyright laws to republish the photo from the UMass sports site. See CBS Interactive copyright policy stated on the site.

  28. I was in a hurry, "hot copy".

    Will be interesting to see if they legally enforce said copyright.

    Which of course only gives me more ammunition for the public documents request of Chief Livingstone for the mug shot (which I prefer to use).
